See you again ~ Reo

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You were at Reo's house with him and Nagi as the three of you were in his room, you and Reo were cuddling on his bed whilst you watched Nagi played games.

The three of you had been a trio for about 6 months now but you had been dating Reo for almost 3 years by now, the two of you were inseparable.

You had grown up together and no one ever managed to match the love you and Reo held for each other so you started dating and it went really well, thus letting you get this far together.

Reo had taken an interest in Nagi one day and he explained that Nagi was amazing at football and he would be a star one day and how he wanted to win the world cup with him, it make you proud of Reo and also of Nagi.

Then for 6 months, the three of you were the golden trio, always together, whether that be in school, after school at the field or at someones house.

And now you were hanging out with the two of them after school, on the one day they weren't training.

That was until you were interrupted by someone, one of Reo's maids who had brought a letter for Reo.

"Open it then! Don't just stare at it!" You laughed at Reo as he just stared at the mysterious letter in his hands and he did what you told him, opening up the letter and reading it.

It was a letter inviting him to Bluelock and Nagi said he got one too so you encouraged both of them to go since it was a huge opportunity for the both of them.

"I'll miss you" Reo told you, the day he was leaving, it made your heart ache but you knew it was for the best.

"I'll miss you too Reo" You gave him one last hug and kiss for good luck before you left them alone at the enterance and made you way home but on the way, you stopped by a local pitch.

You decided to take it upon yourself and kick the ball around for some fun since you had never played before.

The ball was easy for you to control and dribble with so you decided to just kick the ball and hope it went into the net, and it did.

This went on fot about an hour as you just ran around with the ball and kept kicking into the net, you had watched Nagi and Reo play for so long that you knew everything about football and you liked the sport but had never played it before.

"You're pretty damn good!" A male voice spoke from behind you and you turned around, being shocked when you saw Chris Prince standing there.

"O-Oh! Thank y-you!" You bowed out of resepct as a thank you but you were shocked that a famous footballer actually thought you were good.

"How long have you been playing for?" He asked you, moving closer to you so he could have a proper conversation with you.

"That was the first time I've ever touched a ball" You admitted with an awkward smile on your face as Chris' face was shocked, his eyes wide but he still had a smile on his face.

"Well I'll be damned! Whatcha say you come with me and I can train ya?" He offered you and you thought about it for a moment before you made a decision.

"I mean sure, why not?" You agreed to let him train you and that's when you started playing.

After about two months Chris got a call and it regarded you, Ego had called and asked for you to join Bluelock as a surprise.

Chris and you agreed and that's when you headed off to Bluelock in a car that a woman had picked you up in and you arrived.

End of Flashback:

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