Part 11 Y/n

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I had a nice hot shower luckily not many others were showering around this time so lots of hot water making sure to wash my hair and make myself smell nice. I sat on my rooms sofa curling my hair while I got my best dress on, my little blue dress I was bringing with me for after we arrived I hadn't planned to wear it onboard but this felt right, it was such a sweet dress not impressed by any means but such a sweet color with beautiful embroidery I did very little make up just a lip and some eye work as I didn't want to seem too overdressed using my little white shoes and my gloves in the hope it would bring it all together I let my hair from the curls and plaited It. I grabbed my journal and a small bag doing a final spin to check myself over.

The door to my room then knocked to I hid some mess away and opened It seeing Thomas stood rather well dressed seeming at first confused and worried but relieved when he saw me

"Thank goodness I got lost for a while there" he laughed making me giggle too "you- you look so beautiful" he smiled looking me over

"Thank you I did my best, you look handsome'

"Ohh thank you, may I?' he asks offering his hand I nodded and he took my hand giving it a gentle kiss "I got really lost for a while. I didn't realize quiet how far down it was"

"That's okay, so shall we go? If you still want to, of course?"

"Of course I do" He smiled 

I held his arm as he lead me up though the ships many decks each getting more impressive the higher we went, until we reached this beautiful deck of marble floors, mahogany fixings, electronic lights hung in beautiful chandeliers I stopped short as we arrived at a stairwell, a bustling lobby below of women dressed in diamonds and men in fine suits, I felt immediately out of place stopping short letting his arm leave my grip. He stopped half way down the stairs as he noticed I wasn't with him and he turned back to me

"I uhh I shouldn't be here"

"You're fine your on my invitation." He smiled

"I think I'm uhh a little underdressed'

"You look beautiful, take my hand I promise I'll look after you" he smiled offering his and I was nervous but I took it letting him lead me down the stairs and thought a corridor or two until we reached the glass plane doors of the restaurant, we had to show our documents to the host and immediately he pulled a face 

"This is a third class passenger Sir"

"Yes, I invited her to dinner I have it all sorted if you continue with the paperwork"

"Sir I-"

"It should be shorted. she's here by invitation" 

"Have a pleasant evening" He says handing back our paperwork and we were lead inside this beautiful well decorated dinning room with a fireplace and tables all around the room, we were given a table on our own near the fireplace there were so many sets of cutlery and a menu long enough it took up the whole page 

"Holy toad." I muttered looking at the menu "How many courses?"

"Ten"  He smiled "it's my treat. get whatever you like" He smiled 

"Uhhhh okay" I nodded "anything you recommend?" 

"The Fillet was nice last night" he smiled eventfully we ordered even if I needed a lot of help and they took our menu's, it wasn't long till the first small soup arrived "Start at the edge work your way in" He told me 

"Right" I giggled "sorry"

"It's fine, it's always sweet to see people learn it" He laughs 

we ate and chatted for a good while about everything and nothing and it was so much fun the two of us laughing and joking between the two of us the courses luckily were small so it wasn't too hard to have something from all of them even if we mostly shared what we got 

"Ahh my favourite course" He smiled as our desert arrived I got peaches in jelly and he got some eclairs but we got ice cream between us "Ummm that's good. One thing I will say about the first class kitchen's they make good pudding"

"Umm it is really nice, never had peach jelly before"

"How is it?"

"Here" I smiled offering him a spoonful 

"oohh? that is good." He smiled "Ohh here." He smiled giving me half of his éclair 

"Thank you" I giggled "Umm very nice"

"Ice cream's good too." 

"I've had better"

"Ohh? enlighten me?"

"There is this little farm close to where I use to live they make the best ice cream,"

"You'll have to take me someday"

"I'd Love too" 

Once dinner was done with we went for a walk across the deck in the darkness 

"I had a lovely time Thomas"

"I had an amazing time with you too" 

"Ohh I stole this from the hosts cart before we left" he smiled grabbing a menu from his pocket "for your journal" 

"aww thank you so much" I smiled adding it to my journal for tonight 

"May I say something that might sound rather insane?"

"...Of course."

"I really like you y/n"

"Ohh" I blushed hard "I uhh I really like you too Thomas." 

"do you think I could come see you again tomorrow?"

"I'd like that" 

"You would?"

"I would" I nodded 

"Okay...Did you want me to walk you back?"

"If you wouldn't mind"

"not at all, I want to make sure you get back to your cabin safe" He reassured 


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