Part 31 Y/n

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I did my best to just keep swimming kicking my legs even though they were so sore and tired they stung, my whole body so numb every inch of me pricked with pins and needles, my own breath causing clouds of steam, my whole body shaking from the horrific cold holding onto the debris for dear life 

"T-Thomas- I- I'm so cold-" I stuttered so cold shivering so much I was barely able to move my lips, he held me close his skin pale and his lips slightly blue 

"I know angel, I know. It's okay. It's okay. Just keep moving okay Just keep moving it'll keep you warm"

"I-I can't I'm so tired" 

"I know you're tried, I know your tried. but please just keep swimming angel, please for me just keep swimming" He pleads 

"W-we-were gonna die aren't we?" I asked  

"No, No we're not gonna die. I promise" he answered "I know we won't, we're gonna be fine. we just have to keep on swimming, keep swimming and keep warm for now, and a boat will be here soon, and they'll pick us up and everything will be fine. We'll finish the journey across the sea and... we'll get married. In a little chapel by the beach, won't that be nice? 

"That does sound nice, a little wooden chapel by the sea"

"we'll get married all dressed up in a cute little chapel by the sea in the sweet sunshine, and we'll get a little house a little cottage close to a village,"

"a village with a little sweet shop?"

"Absolutely, one of those nice sweet shops with all the little jars in the window, It'll be a little cottage with ivy up the walls, and a thatched roof, a big fireplace and that cute little sunroom just like we wanted. just keep swimming, just a little longer. or how will we get our little dog?

"A little dog?"

"a little puppy just like you wanted, just keep swimming a little longer. Please don't stop. Please don't fall asleep. It's all goanna be okay, a boat will be here soon, it's all gonna be okay we're not gonna die. we're gonna go get on that boat. and we're gonna go home. and we'll get married and have our little cottage, and.. have our little children two girls and a boy,"

"I thought two boys and two girls" I giggled

 "however many you want. Just please stay awake my angel. Please.. please" He reassured even as he shivered 

"how m-much longer?"

"Not long now. I promise. Not much longer just keep swimming and stay awake. Stay with me" 

Take My Hand (Thomas Brodie Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now