Part 19 y/n

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we went to walk away but I stopped turning back to be faced with Thomas' father

"What? Serving girl" he snapped at me 

"You know what you did. so you know you deserve it" I told him before it Punched him as hard as I could almost knocking him out the life boat, but I did knock him out and cause his nose to begin badly bleeding "Oww!" I sighed having to shake my hand a little where the impact even hurt my hand quickly grabbing Thomas' hand so we could run off and not get in trouble. 

"I love you so much" he chuckled, We went up and down the boat deck for what felt like forever waiting in every Que we could but always being turned away from lifeboats already full. 

"What are we going to do?" 

"I don't know angel. we'll find some seats I'm sure of it" He reissued holding us close kissing my hair "Come on we'll try down here again" He says heading though the deck until at last a boat still here.  

We rushed over desperately 

"Women and children only" He says  

"Can't you make an exception please?" 

"Women and children only" he snapped

"Well Okay, thank you sir" I nodded "Come on we'll try somewhere else"

"...No" Thomas spoke up "Take it"

"what? no" I snapped back turning to him 

"We've been up and down this boat deck all night... There haven't been any seats all night and there are still hundreds trying to get off. Go." 

"I'm not going without you." 

"If you don't take this, you might not get a chance to go at all."

".... then what happens to you?" I asked and he didn't answer "I don't want to go"

"I know, But you have a chance. Much more then I do"

"Miss? are you taking the seat or not?" The staff asked 

"Please go my angel. Please" 

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