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"Seems like Rin isn't giving his girl any attention

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"Seems like Rin isn't giving his girl any attention." Sae said. His face right next to yours.

Before he got any closer, you grabbed the glass cup from behind him.

"Hmm, maybe your right." you turned around walking towards the fridge to pour yourself some water.

As much as you would love for Sae to fuck you right here right now on this kitchen counter, you didn't while his parents were in the next room over. So you decided to move your plan to tomorrow when his parents are out doing their usual Saturday shopping.

You were honestly frustrated because you wanted to get this over with. Rin existing in your presence was making your head hurt.

•°. *࿐

The next morning you woke up to Rin sound asleep next to you. You checked your phone to see that it was 11 AM meaning both of his parents weren't home

Finally, you thought to yourself as you got up and walked down the hall to Sae's bedroom.

You were ready to get this shit over with.

*knock knock*

"Come in" Sae said with his usual stoic tone.

You walked in leaving the door cracked open. You were surprised to see Sae laying with his back on his headboard shirtless, only wearing his boxers scrolling through his phone.

"So you just let anyone walk in on you like this?" You said as you sat at the edge of his bed.

Sae looked up at look at you "Well I figured it was you since my parents aren't home and Rin never comes in my room."

"Good for you figuring out genius" You laughed

He glared at you "You came to finish what you started yesterday or to taunt me?"

"Both maybe?"

You crawled up on top of him to straddle his lap. "I've just been thinking 'bout you all night"

Sae began to rub your hips. His hands felt warmer than Rins usually cold ones. "So then tell me Y/n, Why is my brother's girlfriend on top of me right now?"

You sighed


You explained everything to him

Every single detail

"So your using me to get back at your boyfriend for cheating on you with other women."

"Basically.." You were starting to feel bad now

"Hey no need to feel bad. I wouldn't mind a pretty girl like you using me to get back at her shitty boyfriend" Sae said as he began to move you back and forth in his clothed cock. "Just know by the end of this, your gonna belong to me baby."

Your moans began to feel the room. You wanted to be as loud as possible for Rin to hear and wake up

Sae flipped you around with him now on top of you. He pressed his lips on yours groaning at the taste of your strawberry lip balm.

He maneuvered down to your neck, leaving love marks all over, removing your tank top in the process

The feeling of his lips on your skin had you seeing stars.

His soft plump lips, the ones you cold couldn't get enough of. The way they moved when he spoke. The way he'd lick them when they got dry.

"Sae.." you sighed out

His tongue lapped at your hardened nipple with his right hand rubbing circles on your clit

"Cmon baby, I want you screaming for me." Sae said as he moved down to your panties removing them in one swift motion.

"So wet"

Your moans got even louder feeling Sae's mouth on your pussy. The way he made you feel.. It was too good.

"Sae!" you screamed as you got close to your high, but Sae wasn't gonna let you cum unless it was on his dick

"Not just yet." He removed his underwear lining his cock with your entrance.

He rubbed his tip against your clit before pushing into your aching hole

"Shit" Sae groaned as you squeezed onto him. "Your so fucking tight baby."

He began to move at a faster pace hitting your cervix. You were becoming addicted

"F-fuck it feels so good." You moaned out

In the other room Rin wakes up hearing what he thinks to be is arguing.

He notices that your not in bed so he gets up to check what's going on.


Rin hears your screams coming from Sae's bedroom. He slams the door open coming across Sae on top of you naked.

"What the fuck??"

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