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"Can we meet up in the old alleyway we used to travel through to get to school?" Rin said, trying his best to convince his older brother

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"Can we meet up in the old alleyway we used to travel through to get to school?" Rin said, trying his best to convince his older brother. "I've just been meaning to speak to you in person to apologize.. as well as to catch up on things."

Sae was hesitant at first. He saw right through Rin's evil tactics but he had to get to you, even if it meant risking his own life.

"Yes i'll be there, but make it quick." Sae said on the other line.

"Sure thing. Oh and, can you come alone? Your bodyguards have always made me feel awkward. I want this to be special between us." Rin spoke

"Yeah yeah, i'll see you in a few." Sae hung up the phone before turning to the men in the passenger seats.

"He's so obvious it's kinda embarrassing." Sae said as he leaned back into his seat

"Yeah he's a coward indeed." Shidou said laughing hysterically. "I'm just ready to beat his ass. Ain't that right Mr. Oliver" he said looking over to the man sat beside him

"Most definitely." Oliver said in agreement. "Anything for an old teammate." He patted Sae on the back

Sae motioned for his bodyguard to drive off to the direction of the alleyway

•°. *࿐

"What is it that you want Rin? I don't have all night." Sae said as they stood in the middle of a dark alley

"Non of your little bodyguards are around right? I just wanted to talk to you alone." The taller male said with his hands deep in his jacket pockets

"We talked about this over the phone, It's just the two of us. Now speak." Sae said in his usual stoic tone

"Alright well first i wanted to apologize. I know i've been a dick and I just you know.."

Sae stared at him blankly, trying to not show that he was on guard.

"Is that all you needed to tell me?" Sae crossed his arms, the coldness of the fall air enveloping him

Rin slowly lifted his hands out of his pockets revealing the large kitchen knife that laid within his hand. "I'm so fucking tired. You know that right?" He slowly started walking towards Sae.

"Where is she Rin"

Rin began to laugh hysterically. His brother seeing a side of him he's never seen before. He knew he had changed when he came back from Spain all those years ago, but this was a different type of change. It was quite scary

"Don't worry about it. Stop making it all about her, I only came here for you, Not the bitch-"

Shidou, Oliver and Sae's bodyguard all watched from an undisclosed location as Rin started walking faster towards his brother. Shidou stepped out into the alleyway to stop Rin from doing something unthinkable when all of a sudden, Sae swiftly moved from the spot he stood. The fast pace movement catching Rin off guard. A second ago he was standing on his feet getting ready to attack his brother, now he's lied face down in the ground with his hands behind his back unable to move.

"You underestimate me a little too much you know." Sae said motioning for the other three men to come over.

"Heyy dickhead~" Shidou amusingly said kicking Rin in the face. "I missed doing that."

"Fuck you" Rin glared at the male as he winsed in pain

"Here tie him up." Sae made sure Rin didn't try to escape his grasps. He grabbed the kitchen knife Rin had brought holding it up to his neck. "I'm going to ask you this again." Sae began as leaned in close to his brother, his face turning sinister as he's never been this pissed off before. "Where is she."

"I don- AH FUCK"

Sae pierced the knife into his shoulder, unpleased with Rin's answer.

"Okay okay okay ahg-" Rin spoke up, his whole body in pain

"S-she's at our parent's house! In the basement dammit!" He stammered

"See that wasn't so hard, was it?" Sae stood up. "My family is just this horrible huh?" Sae motioned for his bodyguard to come over. "Take care of this, I'm going to her alone."

"Are you sur-"

"Don't question me, i'm already pissed off enough."

•°. *

Sae's POV

The drive down to my parents house was very painful. I had no clue what he had done to her, and I wasn't expecting anything good to come forth.

"No cars in the driveway?" I said to myself as I got out of my vehicle. "He fucking planned this shit out"

The house was awfully quiet as I made my way inside. I didn't think about turning on any lights as I knew the layout of the house very well. I dashed to the basement door swinging it open. I ran down the stairwell that led to the bottom most floor flicking on the lights

There I saw her

Her body laid limp in the wooden chair, the rope tied tight around her body preventing her from falling over.

"Y/n!" I yelled out as I ran over to her. "Your only in your underwear- shit what did he do to you?" I said as I hurriedly untied the rope

"S-sae?" you said with a weak voice

"Shhh your safe now." I said as i untied the last rope. Her body fell right into my arms, passing out again.

I held her tightly in my arms, afraid that if i were to let go, I would lose my her again for good. Tears streaming down my face as I hugged her against my chest

"I promise I will never leave you again... my love"

a/n: ohh shit🙈

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