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T R E A C H E R O U S裏 切 り を す る

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"Kaiser-" Sae said in shock. His ex-rival from years ago standing right in front of him. "Sae who is this?" You said looking up at the man who was lost for words

"You were very vocal just a minute ago what happened?" The blonde man said. You turned your attention back to the foreign man gasping at his words. You were so into the moment that you hadn't realized you were doing something so forbidden.

"Why are you here Kaiser." Sae said, his demeanor flipping completely. He wasn't happy to see whoever this was at all.

"Jesus Christ not even a 'Hi welcome back to Japan' Your still that same piece of shit asshole only thinking of himself. I guess it just runs in the Itoshi bloodline, how sad."

Sae's frustration took over him as he pushed the man against the wall holding him up by his shirt. "Don't fucking play with me. Why the fuck are you here?" The man laughed in his face showing off his perfect teeth. "It's best not to cause a scene Sae. Especially in front of the pretty little lady." He said giving you a quick wink. "How about this, If you let me have her then I won't release this audio tape." He held up a small device

You covered you mouth in shock. He was recording us? You thought told yourself.

Sae let go of the man, his head hung low, his face unreadable.

"Hey Sae don't you remember all those years ago what was it? Oh yeah about 8 years jeez it's been so long." The blonde man said grinning at Sae. "Since then I couldn't stand to see your face, but I was forced to since you were everywhere. On television, news papers, all over social media. You took something so precious away from me so it's only fair that I take something precious away from you."

Sae held his head up to look the man in the eye. "How the hell does football equate to this? Someone important in my life?" He said gritting his teeth

The man bursted out in laughter at his ironic words. "Says the one who left his brother alone for years just for his football career. Was Rin not important to you? Hmm?" He tilted his head to the side. "I heard you used to be a loving and caring brother before your trip to Spain, what happened?"

You watched their interaction noticing Sae's lack of words. He usually knew what to say when he was being threatened or antagonized, but now he was just mute.

"Sae let's go" You said tugging at his arm, but he didn't budge.

"That wouldn't be a good idea sweetheart, wouldn't want to ruin your man's career would you?" Kaiser said twirling the recording device in his hands

"How about this Sae" He leaned down to his ear staring directly at you. His next words only audible to Sae's ears.

"Let me just get one taste of your precious lady, and i'll gladly destroy this device"

•°. *࿐

Shidou stood with his arms crossed staring him down at the disheveled man. "Man I feel like i'm apart of some mafia." He joked before kicking the man in the face. "How does it feel to be my punching bag Rin?"

Music blasted through the storage garage loud enough to block out Rins screams. "Ooo I have an idea." Shidou said walking over to the metal cabinet swinging it open. He grabbed some duck tape before walking back over to Rin placing it over his mouth.

"I heard Sae and Y/n are going out on a date so let's check up on them shall we?" Shidou laughed mischievously

Rin glared at him, Trying his best to get the rope untied but him to no avail

"Wait first let me see if I look good" Shidou said running over to the mirror checking himself out. "Good as always" He winked at himself through the mirror before walking back over to Rin. He took his phone out of his pocket typing in Sae's contact pressing the facetime button

It rung for a few seconds before Sae finally picked up.

"What do you wa-

"HEY TURN THE CAMERA AROUND I WANT TO SEE Y/N'S SEXY SELF." Shidou yelled over the loud music. He looked over at rin giving him a sly grin before turning his attention back to the phone where he saw you.

"Hey Shidou" You waved at the camera. "Where are you?"

Shidou's jaw dropped at how good you looked. "Sae please let me know when we are having that threesome I mentioned the other day." He said

Rin rolled his eyes at his words, still trying his best to break few of the tight rope

"Nah i'm good" Sae spoke "Bye Shidou"


The call went dead before Shidou could get his words out. "Well Rin, looks like I have to torture you some more." Shidou said walking over to the dark haired man. He ripped the tape from his mouth

"Speak." Shidou spat at Rin. "Where is the bitch who wished she was Y/n."

Rin laughed, his focus not on Shidou, but behind him. "Looks like she's already here." He tilted his head into the direction where Mako stood. But she wasn't alone because a man with half blond half burgundy hair stood to her left while a more muscular man with dark hair stood to her right. Each of the possessing some sort of weapon in their hands.

Shidou quickly took out his revolver from his pocket pointing it at the three people. "How the fuck did you get in here?!"

"Maybe if your dumbass learned how to the lock a door then maybe we wouldn't have been able to get in without any force." The two toned man said. It was obvious he was a foreigner but definitely someone Shidou has seen before

"Hand him over and we won't have to kill you."

•°. *࿐

"Let me just get one taste of your precious lady, and i'll gladly destroy this device" Micheal said staring directly you but then turning his attention back to Sae.


"Let Rin go"

©   s4eb4e

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