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sexual content

You stared at the good looking man who sat in front of you as he conversed with the waiter. The ambient lighting illuminating his features that you couldn't get enough of. His raspberry colored hair shaping his face perfectly


The sound of your name snapping you out of your trance as you became flustered with embarrassment.

"What would you like to eat?" Sae asked motioning for you to tell the waiter

"Oh- umm i'll have.." You quickly skimmed through the options that were on the menu before finally making your decision.

The waiter took note of your order before excusing himself.

It was now just the two of you alone, in a private area that Sae rented out. You turned to look at the man who happened to already be staring you, a grin plastered on his face. "Man i'm so lucky." He said raking his hand through his hair.

You giggled covering your mouth with your hand. "Nah I think i'm the lucky one." And indeed you were. Sae looked so good, his suit fitting his athletic body perfectly, enough to make your thighs clinch. The tension between the two of you was sky high, but you had to keep your composure since the waiter could walk out with your food at any minute

"When am I able to go back home?" You spoke up. "I just moved there.. don't tell me I have to move again." You sighed

"You can go back once Mako is caught, who knows what else she's planning to do to you. Till then you're to stay at my place." He took your hands into his larger ones gently soothing your skin. "But hey you could always move in with me." He grinned, his tone of voice becoming playful

You rolled yours eyes smiling back, "I'll think about it."

*Ring ring* 'Incoming call from Pink Eyed Bitch'

Sae's phone went off interrupting the semi-intimate moment. "Why the hell is he face timing me." Sae said answering the call. You laughed at his annoyed expression.

"What is it-

"HEY TURN THE CAMERA AROUND I WANNA SEE Y/N'S SEXY SELF." Shidou yelled, you heard loud music coming from the background so you figured he was at a party or something

"Hey Shidou" You waved at the camera "Where are you?" you questioned

"Holy fuck Sae, please let me know when we are having that threesome i mentioned the other day."

"Yeah.. i'm good" Sae said "Goodbye Shidou."


At that, Sae hung up the phone turning his attention back to you. You laughed at their interaction, it was cute you thought yourself.

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