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The next morning, Sae made his way downstairs to find Rin sitting alone on the couch eating a bowl of cereal

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The next morning, Sae made his way downstairs to find Rin sitting alone on the couch eating a bowl of cereal.

"Morning" Sae stood adjacent to where Rin sat on the couch, staring at the Naruto Shippuden episode that played on the tv screen. Ironically the episode happened to be the Sasuke vs Itachi fight

Rin sat in silence completely ignoring his older brothers presence

"Hey listen, I don't know why you're so upset with me but try to cheer up."

Rin placed his bowl of cereal down on the coffee table before swiftly standing up. His tall figure standing a few inches taller than his brother as he swung his hand forward, coming into contact with Sae's face.

"I fucking hate you." Rin's voice was eerily calm. "Don't ever tell me to cheer up when all my life i've had to watch you be put on a fucking pedestal all. the. time. Even the girl i love most seems to have some obsession with you." Rin stood with his back facing Sae. "Have fun in Spain, I hope to never see you again." At that Rin walked out the front door slamming it behind him.

Sae stood with his hand covering his face. He was too in shock to even comprehend what just transpired. Normally when Rin put his hands on him, he would be quick to manhandle him, but this time something was different

He had hoped to spend the day with Rin before he heads off to Spain tomorrow, but things seemed to change


"We're going to miss you." Mrs. Itoshi sobbed as she gave Sae a warm embrace. "Make sure to call everyday" She pulled away, fixing up his hair a bit. "Take care of yourself as well son." Mr Itoshi said, holding out a bag of nutritious treats for Sae to take.

"Yes of course thank you."

Sae looked around the busy airport in search of his brother. "Where's Rin?"

His parents expression turned into one of sadness. "Listen we tried to get him to-"

"You know what, it's fine." Sae smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. He turned around to walk back to where his manager stood. "I'll make sure to call when we land."

•°. *࿐

1 missed call from Mako, Yesterday at 21:07

4 missed calls from Mom, Today at 11:10

5 missed calls from Dad, Today at 11:15

20 missed calls from Sae, Today at 09:57

Rin stared at his call log, sitting on a bench at the empty field him and Sae frequented. He shut off his phone before opening the blueberry flavored popsicle he bought at the nearby convenience store. The sun was setting as the evening neared its end, Night time was soon to make its debut.

"I knew i'd find you here." A voice said from behind.

"What do you want, Kaiser. Aren't you supposed to be back in Germany?" Rin slightly tilted his head up to look at the two-toned haired male

"I heard your good looking brother left today. I play him next week." He sat down next to Rin

Rin scoffed at his words, taking a bite out of his popsicle. "And? Why should I care?"

"Well why not? He's your brother isn't he? You wouldn't shut up about him back at Blue Lock." Kaiser dribbled the soccer ball. "I never liked him to begin with, I never like people who I have to compete with for best looks anyways."

Rin rolled his eyes as he discarded the popsicle stick somewhere onto the field.

"Littering is bad you know."

"Shut up. Why are you here? I'm not in the mood for any company right now." Rin grudgingly said, staring off into the distance

Kaiser looked at him before focusing his attention back to the ball.

"I can help you get revenge. It might take some time since, but I have a good plan."

Rin scoffed again at his ridiculous proposal. Yeah he currently had a grudge against his brother, but normally they go away after some time, right?

"I'm going to pass." Rin said as he got up and walked towards the direction of the exit

"Just think about it!" Kaiser yelled " I know you'll come around eventually." that part he said to himself. "Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, heck maybe not 'til some years, but I know he'll finally see it."

Present Time

"Well i'll be dammed!" Shidou leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. "Who would've guessed that Macaroni bitch had a thing for you this whole time! I just thought she was obsessed with that idiot brother of yours."

You sat in disbelief at what Sae had just told you. Mako knew both Rin and Sae long before you did? Not only that but dated Rin, while having a thing for Sae? What the hell is going on?

"Everything that transpired in past few weeks is what I guess to be their 'revenge' plan against me." Sae repeatedly tapped his index finger on the couch, something he did when he was stressed.

"It's been about a decade, and they still holding grudges? Jesus christ people need to grow up." Shidou added on. "Wait didn't that Ego bastard replace Rin with you to play for the U20 world cup like 5 years ago? Maybe that's what set him off. Plus around that time was when Y/n and Rin started dating, right?" Shidou turned his attention to you.

"Yeah we started dating about 4 in half years ago. But what does that have to with anything?" You asked in confusion

"Oh nothing, i'm just trying to figure out why dated that prick for so long when you could've been with me." He crossed his arms over his chest, making a sad face.


"Owww what was that for!?"

Sae glared at the pink haired male "Knock it off will you."

You were lost in thought while the two men went back and forth with each other.

Around that time 5 years ago, was when I became close with Mako too. This couldn't be a coincidence, could it?

"Hey Y/n, you alright?" Sae said, turning his attention to you

"Yeah i'm fine, just thought of something."

"Well we should-"

*Knock knock knock*

Loud knocks came from the front door startling the three of you. Sae especially since he wasn't expecting anyone.

"I'll get it." Sae stood up making his way to the door

*Knock Knock*

"Okay i'm coming! Chill out with the knocks dammit."

Sae opened the door, while you and Shidou stood watch from the couch. The two of you gasped at the sight of who was at the door. On the other hand, Sae couldn't really care less, greeting the man instead.

"Well hello there, officer."

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