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T R E A C H E R O U S裏 切 り を す る

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"Well hello there, officer."

A familiar tall man with a muscular build stood right outside the door. His heterochromia eyes scanning the inside of the penthouse before landing on you and Shidou.

"No need for the formalities Sae." He chuckled as he made his way inside.

"It's been a while Aiku." Shidou smirked at the man. "Didn't know you were out here policing and shit."

"Well of course your dumbass wouldn't know." Sae said as he walked up to where the three of you stood

Shidou snarled. "Okay but seriously why are you here? Sae was telling us his crazy life story before you rudely interrupted."

"Well, As much as I would love to hear that story, I'm here to break some news to you all." Olivers demeanor changing into one of seriousness. Whatever news he had was definitely not good news and you really didn't want to know what it was.

"Well.. what is it?" Sae said nervously. Oliver wasn't one to have a serious aura to him, so he knew it was bad.

Oliver took a long breath

"Rin Itoshi"

The three of you looked at each other in confusion.

"He's dead."

A deafening silence came about after those words left Oliver's mouth. You looked over to Sae whose face was scarily unreadable. You honestly had no idea if you should be sad, angry or happy

A few agonizing seconds passed before Oliver spoke again. "His body was found floating in a river right near a warehouse, where we believe the murder took place." He took a deep breath. "We currently have three people in custody for his murder, and we would like for you all to come to the station for questioning-"


All heads turned to Sae. He had an expression that you have never seen before. It was very scary

"We have nothing to do with his death, so why are we being questioned." He gritted his teeth

"You are all witnesses- Well mainly Shidou according to one of the suspects. But all of your names were mentioned and that gives us reason to believe you know what happened."

"Sae I think it would be best if we go." You tried your best to be calm in this situation

Sae took a deep breath, his mind was in shambles.


•°. *࿐

The three of you sat alone in the interrogation room for a few long minutes. Nothing but silence filled the room, as the news of Rin's death still racked up everyone's heads. Sae seemed to take his brother's death the hardest of course, because even though he despised his brother, he stilled loved him.

The door to the interrogation room opened as the chief of police walked in.

"Alright i'm going to just say this now," The older man spoke as he sat in the chair on the other side of the table. "You three won't be arrested, which you of course probably already know, but we have some information about a so called 'plan' that was being orchestrated." He placed both of hands on the table clasping them together. "Only one of the suspects, a man by the name of Alexis Ness spoke of the plan so we aren't %100 if the statement is true or not."

"Just tell us whats going on, we don't have all day." Sae was becoming very impatient.

"Well before I was rudely interrupted, what I was going to say was, Rin Itoshi, Mako Miura, Alexis Ness, Don Lorenzo and the man apparently behind it all, Micheal Kaiser." He paused taking a breath. "They were going to kill you," He looked over to Sae. "And then you." He looked over to you.

You gasped looking over to Sae who shown no emotion.

"Clearly since Rin is dead and they are arrested, their plan has failed so you're are all safe. But I advise you still keep your gaurd up because there could still be more people who are after you two."

Your heart pounded at that last statement.

More people after us?

"Alright that was all the information I have. We are still investigating so I will let you all know if anything comes up" The chief stood up before walking out the door.

"Let's go."

Sae stood up walking out without saying anything else. You and Shidou rushed out after him. His long legs practically sprinting to the car making it hard for you to catch up.

Eventually you all made it to the car as Sae drove off back to his penthouse.

You all made it back 20 minutes later. The drive felt drastically longer. Shidou decided to head home leaving you and Sae alone. The two of you walked in the front door slipping out of your shoes, neither uttering a single word. You watched as Sae made his way to the living room turning the TV on

"A man believed to be the younger brother of soccer star Sae Itoshi was found dead-"

Sae immediately turned the TV off cursing to himself

"I fucking knew it."


"I need a shower." He said nonchalantly before walking up to his room.

"O-okay i'll be down here if you want to talk about it."

Sae stopped walking, contemplating your words.

"You-" He paused. "You promise you won't leave me too?" He said with his head hung low. His back still facing you

"I promise."

© s4eb4e

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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