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The next morning you woke up later than usual

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The next morning you woke up later than usual. Sae helped bring your bags to the car while you made sure you had everything. You were just ready to go back home

You and Sae made it back to his parents place around midnight last night. He agreed on taking you back home today since you didn't have a ride

After the whole incident at the party, a video of the fight was leaked out to the public. It's now the #1 trending topic in the sports world.

You scrolled through different social medias apps only to see that the situation was just everywhere. You opened up twitter and looked at each different tweet

@/m1chealkaifanpage: 'At their fossil age'

@/rinsbottomlashes: 'Sae should be suspended from Madrid's next match'

@/z3stf3st: 'Rin is weak as hell LMFAO'

You sighed turning your phone off looking out the window. Sae tapped his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the music as he drove down the highway

"You know your trending right now and people don't seem to be happy." you looked at Sae

He shrugged his shoulders "Who cares."

That's why you liked Sae. He never let social media influence him. On the other hand, you knew Rin was probably shitting his pants when he opened his phone this morning.



"Why did you stand up for me?"


Sae took a long pause before answering. You almost regret asking him such a silly question.

"You dont have to ans-"

"Because I always knew I could treat you better than that asshole. When I first met you, I knew you were the one but I couldn't have you since you were dating my brother. Plus I had to hold myself back from fighting more assholes at that party, the way they were looking you"

You blushed hearing the words that came out of his mouth. You remembered when you first met Sae. Rin brought you over to his parents house and he just happened to be there. You honestly just thought he had a staring problem, but the more times you saw him you knew it was something else behind those teal eyes.

"Why'd you ask?" He said glancing at you

"I just didn't expect you to go that far for me.." you said looking down at your hands

"I'd go as far as the edge of the universe for you baby" he said with a toothy grin

You laughed "I'm not even your girlfriend and you would do that for me? I'm flattered."

•°. *࿐

You made it back home an hour later. Rin came and got all his belongings after the fight yesterday. You were relieved since that meant you didn't have to go through his stuff one by one and wait till he came to get them. Sae decided to stay a little longer and help you settle down. The only thing you really had to do was throw away pictures of you and him that were still hung up around the apartment. His office was completely empty when you went inside. Every bookshelf that was once filled with books and other antiques, were now empty.

You went back inside the living room to find Sae pacing around talking on the phone. He seemed to be very upset with whoever he was talking to. You decided to leave him alone not wanting to raise his temper. Instead, you went into the kitchen to make some milkshakes for the both of you.

It's been a while since you made yourself a milkshake. Rin basically manipulated you into not drinking them saying "There are healthier options." You don't know why you were so naïve back then. Maybe it was your infatuation with him. You always believed everything that came out of his mouth in the early days of your relationship, but later on you caught on to his bullshit and had had enough.

You went back into the living room to see Sae sitting down on the couch with his head laying back on the couch. He had his hands covering his eyes and he was mumbling something to himself. Whatever that phone call was about, it had him very stressed out.


He lifted his head hearing you call his name.

"What?" he said harshly

What's up with him?

"Oh uh.. I was just asking if you were alright. And I made you a milkshake." you said placing the milkshake on the table in front of him.

He stood up sighing declining the vanilla shake. "Sorry Y/n, I have to go."

"Already?" you said in disappointment "Who were you on the phone with?" You were interested on who had him upset.

"That's non of your business." He walked over to the door slipping on his shoes before walking out.

You ran after him completely confused on what was happening. Why was he so hostile all of a sudden?

"Sae, wait!" you said running up behind him grabbing his arm.

He yanked his arm away unlocking his car with his keys. "What don't you get?" He turned around, glaring at you. "I'm in a rush and have no time to talk so stop being a bother." he said as he got into the car and drove off.

You just stood there in shock

"What the fuck??"

Just earlier he was all lovey dovey, and now he was a completely different person. You were pissed off at the fact that he just upped and left with no explanation. Just with the excuse that "He was in a Rush"

Did it have something to do with the viral video?

You did not know.

But you were probably the most confused person in the world right now. One thing you hated was being left with no explanation.

You went back inside your apartment unable to finish your milkshake due to loosing your appetite.

"And he declined my delicious milk shake" your frowned

That's when you did what you always do when your put in these situations. You decided to call your best friend, Mako.

Again no answer.

You called about 10 times still now answer.

"Fuck it. I'mma just go check on her in person"

You grabbed your jacket and headed out the door. You got into your car and headed off to Mako's house.

You were very anxious not hearing from her all weekend. It was very unlikely of her and you had a very bad feeling.

As you pulled up to her house you noticed a familiar car parked outside.

"No way-"

You placed your hands over your mouth. You couldn't believe what you were seeing..

Why is Rin's car outside of my best friends house???

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