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T R E A C H E R O U S裏 切 り を す る

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6 months later

"Y/n can you grab my phone off the counter please?" Hiori yelled from the living room

It's been half a year since you've last seen Sae in person, rather than on tv. You've finally moved out of the apartment you once share with your now ex. You found a medium sized house right outside of Tokyo that your are currently in the process of moving in. Hiori and Karasu decided to help you bring in the furniture from the storage unit.

"Sure thing!" you ran over to the counter grabbing the phone before handing it over to him. Karasu came from behind holding the tall lamp that will go by the dark brown couch. "This is the last thing." Karasu said as he passed the both of you

You clapped your hands together excited at the fact that your home is finally complete. Your beautiful two story adobe fitting the traditional japanese homes that aligned the street.

"Thank you guys so much!" You said giving the both of them big hugs. "Are you guys staying for dinner? I have a new recipe I want to share with you guys."

Hiori and Karasu looked at each other before turning to look at you. "Sure! seems like we're both free." Hiori spoke up before the three of you walked to your newly built kitchen

The sun began to set as you put the finishing touches to the meal. You place the food on three separate plate before placing them on the table where Karasu and Hiori sat. "Mmm looks good" Karasu said licking his lips "Thanks" The three of you conversed about your lives lately and other things.

"I ran into Nagi the other day," Karasu began. "He was asking about you y/n."

You gave him a confused look. "Nagi? who's that?" You said, not remembering who this 'Nagi' person is

"You remember, the tall guy from the blue lock reunion who helped you stop the fight." Hiori explained

You pondered for a second before it finally clicked as to who he was. "Ohhh yeah I remember now. What did he ask?" You said as you took a big bite of your food

"He was just asking how we're you especially about the Sae situation and all. I just told him your doing better now." Karasu shrugged. "Oh shit I almost forgot. He also invited us to a soccer match this weekend. If your cool to go?"

A soccer match? After the events that took place months ago, you really didn't want to have anything to do with soccer. But nothing could go wrong right? It's just one match plus you'll be with your friends so it'll be all good.

"Sure that sounds fun!"

•°. *࿐

Saturday finally came and it was the day of the soccer match. You sat in the passenger seat of Hiori's car while Karasu sat in the back. The three of you jammed to the music that blasted through the radio as Hiori sped down the highway.

"Nagi said he'll meet us there and he already has our seats." Karasu yelled above the loud music

"Okay!" you yelled back

Hiori parked in the underground parking deck located across the street from the stadium. The three of you got out of the car and started walking towards the stadium. Many people gathered around forming a huge crowd as they tried to find the best place in line.

"Damn we should've gotten here earlier, the march starts in fifteen." Hiori said as you guys tried to find where the line starts.

Finally you found a shorter line that led to the security checkpoint. It's been a while since you've heard anything about soccer. Not really knowing much about it, you were delusional about the fact of what teams were playing today.

The three of you made your way inside and met up with Nagi who had your seats ready. You all sat closer to the field thanks to Nagi having his ways.

"So who's playing?" you asked Nagi who was currently snacking on some popcorn

"Real Madrid and Pxg" He said as he scrolled through his phone doing who knows what.

You turned to Hiori who was chatting with some couple who sat in front of you and decided to listen in on their conversation.

"Well i'm here for Sae Itoshi, this is his first match ever since his little hiatus." the man said

You turned into a ghost hearing the words that came out of the man's mouth. Hiori looked at him in confusion. "You must have gotten it wrong? there's no way he's already back?" He said to the man, knowing that the injury Sae sustained about a week ago shouldn't have been already healed.

"Well-" the man began but was interrupted by the announcer on the loud speakers thag blasted through the stadium

"Welcome to the final match of the season. The two most anticipated teams finally going face to face on the battlefield. Their goal, to win the trophy that'll consider then the best team of all time. But first let's introduce the players themselves."

Loud screams erupted through the stadium as the announcer announced the players who will be playing this match .

"And now the most anticipated player of the season."

"Sae Itoshi!"

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