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Your eyes widened as his name was announced

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Your eyes widened as his name was announced. You watched in anticipation waiting for his arrrival on the field. The stadium was 10 times louder than it already was before. Everyone, and I mean everyone was ready set on him

"There's no way" you said to yourself. You were about to get up to leave but Nagi stopped you grabbing your arm

"Where are you going? The party is just getting started." he said with a mischievous grin on his face

"Oh you asshole"

The stadium screamed to the top of their lungs as Sae Itoshi made his way onto the field. All the men wanting to be him and all the women wanting to be with him. You internally cringed at the thought

With your close proximity to the field, you were close to the Real Madrid players who were not playing. So you hoped and prayed Sae wouldn't notice you when any timeouts are called

"Y/n i'm so sorry, I didn't know he was playing today-"

"It's fine Hiori just remind me to beat the living shit out of Nagi when this is all over okay?"

Hiori nodded amused at the thought of seeing you beat up the taller male.

There he was. The man you once loafed for, standing proudly as his fans cheered him on. It had been half a year since you've last seen him. Since he left you with no explanation whatsoever. It looked as though he cut his hair a bit shorter which you remember telling him to all those months ago. His stoically handsome face shown on the screen above.

The game finally started and you decided to just wait it out. Knowing he was on La Real, you automatically went for the other team getting up to clap when they would score a point.

"Damn he's just too good" Nagi said as he ate his now cold popcorn. "Too bad your team is losing buy a lot." He smirked

"Nagi I swear to-"

"Time out for La Real" The announcer announced.


You watched as the players ran to the side of the field in front of you. And in the crowd of players you saw him. With his head held back as he opened his mouth he squeezed his water bottle for the water to come out. He was right in front of you but luckily his back was facing you.

You quietly got up and pulled hiori and karasu with you hoping to God that he doesn't turn around

"Y/n what are you-" Hiori whispered, luckily not loud enough for Sae to hear.

You put your finger to your mouth gesturing for him to stay quiet as you began to walk out of the isle when all of a sudden

"Guys where are you going?! it's not even half time yet!" Nagi yelled loud enough for your whole section to hear.

You froze in fear knowing good in well that caught his attention. And it did

Sae's ears perked up at the familiar voice. He turned only to be might with a sight of three familiar people with looks of fear on their faces. He scanned all three of you until he stopped at the most familiar of them all. He stared at you in shock trying to see if his brain was playing tricks on him. He rubbed his eyes before looking back. It had to be real. After all these months you were back in his life

"Y/n?" he said in disbelief

You scoffed turning on your heels as you walked out of the isle. Hiori and Karasu following in tow

"Y/n wait!" Sae yelled, but you completely ignored him

•°. *࿐

"Fuck that was embarrassing!" You yelled out in frustration. "How could he do something like that!?"

"Y/n if I would've known Nagi was going to do th-"

"Forget about it, I need a drink. Let's go out"

Hiori looked at you in shock. "You? drinking? I don't think that's a good idea."

You rolled your eyes. For once in your life you needed to relieve some stress.

"Just make sure i don't end up drinking too much Hio. I'll be ready in a few." You rushed up to your room to get ready

"what to wear what to wear" you said to yourself as you scanned through your closet full of clothes. You wanted to look your best. Your end goal was to be the baddest bitch in town. Not someone who's still stuck on the past

"ooo yeah this is it" you said as you pulled out a short red dress. You tried it on and oh how lovely did the dress fit on you. It was an above the knee dress but extra short. It exposed your back area and accentuated your beautiful curves. You decided on pairing it with your most expensive heels that complimented the dress well. You fixed up your hair and make up, only a few retouches because you are already beautiful.

You checked the time and it was currently 10 pm you headed downstairs to meet up with Hiori.

"Well i'll be dammed" Hiori said as you came down the stairs. "No wonder it took you so long, you look amazing!"

"Thank you" you gave him a smile. "Let's go i'm getting thirsty."

•°. *࿐

The two of you pulled up to the nightclub located in the heart of Tokyo. As soon as you stepped in was when you realized how packed it was. You made your way through the large crowd of people straight towards the bar, Hiori following right behind.

"I'm going to run to the restroom i'll be right back." Hiori said as he rushed off in the direction of the restroom.

"One mimosa please" you told the bartender your drink order. The man nodded as he began to fix your drink. As you waited you decided to scroll through your unread messages not noticing the figure sitting right beside you

"I see we meet again." The awfully familiar voice spoke up

You lifted your head and turned towards the direction of the man sitting beside you. You locked eyes with the familiar pair of viridian eyes

"How have you been.. Y/n"


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