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You stood there frozen in shock after hearing the words that came out of Nagi's mouth

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You stood there frozen in shock after hearing the words that came out of Nagi's mouth.

"I thought he wasn't invited??"

Nagi looked at you confused. "Um.. why wouldn't he be invited? He plays for the te-"

"Sorry I have to go." You said, as you angrily rushed over to Sae and Shidou who were chatting away about something

"I thought you said he wasn't fucking coming?" you whisper-yelled at the both of them not trying to cause a scene

"He isn't" Sae said turning to look at Shidou for confirmation only to see him about to run off

You grabbed his arm before he could run away "See I knew not to trust your ass." you glared at him

"Okay okay listen." He sighed in defeat. "I had to get Sae to come to the party someway somehow. And plus, I had no idea that he was going to bring you of all people!" He turned towards the back entrance of the house

"Speaking of the devil"

You turned to the direction that Shidou was looking and boy oh boy did you regret it.

There stood Rin towering over most of the guest. As much as you hated his guts, you couldn't deny how undeniably attractive he looked. You didn't have time to goggle over your ex tho. You had to hurry and get up out of there before he saw you

"Shit shit shit" you said in a rush, grabbing your purse and the delicious margarita you poured yourself a few minutes ago.

Sae glared at Shidou as he got up as well "Don't ever call me about a 'reunion'."

The two of you tried your best to blend in with the crowd to make it towards the nearest exit.

"Sae! Y/n! leaving so soon? You guys just got here!"a loud voice said from behind you


You turned around to see that it was the party host, Reo

"Oh Reo! Sorry we-"

"My cat sitter called saying that my cat just delivered her kittens so we have to hurry up and make it back home." Sae interrupted dragging you inside the house

Reo stood there dumbfounded. Didn't he say he hated cats..

•°. *࿐

Heavy breathing and giggles filled the car as the two of you dashed to the vehicle. Sae drove off as fast as he could not looking back

"If he didn't show up I could've continued my conversation with Hiori and that Karasu guy." you frowned. "Let me text Hio that I had to left"

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