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T R E A C H E R O U S裏 切 り を す る

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"How have you been.. Y/n"

You looked up at the towering figure only to be met with his familiar viridian eyes. Your face instantly turning into a scowl as you realized who it was

"What do you want Rin." you said as you looked around the club to see where Hiori was. It was taking him a while and you didn't want to be left alone here with Rin Itoshi. But that's where you messed up. Because while you were looking around, Rin placed an unknown white substance into your drink

"I don't know? I can't talk to my beautiful ex girlfriend?" He said as he watched carefully as you took a huge sip of your drink

"That's it." he said only quiet enough for him to hear. A sinister smirk plastered on his handsome face.

"Well n- ah shit" a sudden wave of pain shot through your body. "I w-wannn"

"You wanna what?" He said as he watched you struggle to form any words. "Here let me help you" He picked you up from your seat carrying you bridal style walking straight out to his car. You slumped into the passenger seat knocked out.

He stared at you for a good minute before driving off.

"This is what you get for ruining my life. Bitch."


Back inside the nightclub, Hiori was having a panic attack. He didn't know his stomach ache would cause him to be in the restroom for that long. Long enough for you to disappear

"Shit shit shit please pick up"

Five missed calls later, he knew for sure something was wrong. He went up to the bartender to ask if he had seen anything but he didn't 'want any trouble'

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?? What do you mean you don't want any trouble?! Hiori said in frustration

"I'm sorry sir but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." A voice said behind him. He looked up and saw a huge man who looked to be the bouncer from outside. "No! Not until I find out where she went!" Hiori yelled in his face causing a scene to unfold

"I didn't what to do this but your really testing my nerves man." The bouncer said as he dragged Hiori out the club.

"Let go of me!" Hiori yelled as he was pushed to the ground. The door slammed shut leaving him outside of the nightclub

Hiori decided there was no other choice. He got back to his car and decided to call the only person he knew had the power to help him get you back

•°. *࿐

You stirred awake confused as to why your head suddenly started to hurt. You looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings trying to process where you were. After a few seconds you finally realized you were tied to a chair unable to move. You tried your best to set yourself free but to no avail

A voice was heard from behind the door in the far corner of the dimly lit room before it slammed open. You slumped back into the chair playing as if you were still knocked out

Footsteps were heard before a cold object dragged along your back, piercing right through your skin. Your eye shot open as you screamed in agony only for it to be muffled by the duck tape that rested on your mouth.

"That got you awake." a deep voice said from behind.  Suddenly you gained back your memory once you realized who the voice belonged to

Rin watched in amusement as you violently shook trying to release yourself free from the professionally tied rope

"There's no point in that princess." He said chuckling as he kneeled down in front of you, pulling your hair causing your head to yank back

"Now I really didn't want to end up hurting you keep testing my patience." He stood up towering over your frame. "I only want one thing." He said looking down at you watching tears stream down your face

"And that's for that stupid brother of mines career to end. With you being his biggest weakness I had to separate the you two completely."

You looked at him in confusion. Did he not know the two of your were already separated from each other?

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. I'm the reason Sae left that day." He laughed in your face "After you left me for him I stalked the two of you, trying to plot a way to tarnish your relationship. And what is a perfect way to separate the two of you than to have him move back to Spain." You looked at him in complete shock. "One thing about Sae... he'll always choose soccer over anything else. Including his family."

No something isn't right

"From a very young age I always despised him. How he was always a step ahead of me. His entire existence pisses me off. If I fail at ending his career then I have no choice but to end his life."

Your eyes widened as you shook your head at his testimony. You tried your hardest to scream but to no avail. Your energy was starting to drain

"I'm about to meet him now so let's see how well this goes." He said, wiping his hands with his handkerchief

You watched as he turned of the light before exiting out of the room.

•°. *࿐

"What is it that you want Rin? I don't have all night." Sae said as the two males stood in the middle of a dark alley

"Non of your little bodyguards are around right? I just wanted to talk to you alone." The taller male said with his hands deep in his jacket pockets

"It's just the two of us. Now speak." Sae said in his usual stoic tone


2 hours earlier

"Hi is this Itoshi Sae?" Hiori said from behind the phone. He knew if anything, Sae would be able to figure out where you were if he didn't already know

"Yes who is this?"

"Hiori Yo, I need your help.. It's Y/n" He hesitated for a second

"Y/n? What happened? Tell me now!" Sae said frantically on the other line

"She's missing, I can't find her and she's not picking up the phone so I called you instead to see if you would know where she would be."

The line went quiet before Sae spoke up. His tone darkening

"I think I know who might've taken her."

©  s4eb4e

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