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Sae was always known to be cold and calculated

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Sae was always known to be cold and calculated. He never really cared to interact with others unless he had to. Right now is one of those cases. He sat in his managers office with a harsh aura that surrounded him.

"Like I said over the phone Sae, If you continue seeing this girl, your soccer career will be tarnished and your life will be ruined." The brown haired man said giving Sae a look of despair.

After the video was leaked, higher ups in the soccer world had no choice other than to reach out to Sae's manager about the situation. Since the video did go viral, it shed a bad light over Sae's soccer team. His manager put out a deal that if Sae were to stop seeing the person he fought over, then he would be able to continue to play for the team.

"And who are you to tell me who I should stop seeing?" Sae said glaring at the man.

Sae knew this was bad and he had no other choice. He hated how he acted towards you earlier that day but it was for your own good.

'History repeating itself' he thought

The manager sighed before speaking up "I'll give you time to think abou-"

"I've already made my decision"

•°. *࿐

You sat outside your best friends house confused as to why your ex's car was parked outside.

What the hell??

You finally had the courage to step outside your vehicle before making your way towards the front.

You grabbed the spare key from your purse before unlocking the door making your way inside. Once inside you noticed a pair of Rin's nikes sitting by the front door

"No way-"

"No no no she wouldn't" you whispered to yourself

You made your way further into the house when you heard what sounded like shuffling coming from upstairs.

You mentally prepared yourself, as you knew what you were getting yourself into.

You quietly headed up the stairs hearing the faint sounds of moaning coming from the direction of Mako's bedroom.

"Fuck this shit" you said angrily clenching your teeth. You rushed to the bedroom door slamming it open. Tears appearing from the corner of yours eyes at the sight that beheld before you.

The two individuals quickly looked up at who intruded their sexual intercourse.

"Y-y/n! It's not what it loo-"

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