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"Why do I keep waking up in unfamiliar places?" You said to yourself as you looked around the bedroom you had mysteriously woken up in

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"Why do I keep waking up in unfamiliar places?" You said to yourself as you looked around the bedroom you had mysteriously woken up in. It had to be the size of your living room and kitchen combined. Way nicer than the room you were just tied up in. You looked to the right seeing the large window that gave you a grand view of downtown Tokyo.

"Holy shit-" You said as you walked towards the window looking out at the amazing view. You had to be at least on the 100th floor of whatever building you were in

The sound of the bedroom door opening took you out of your trance. That's when you remembered you were in an unknown place. You didn't dare to turn around and look at the person whosoever kidnapped you


Your body suddenly froze. Memories from earlier flooding through your brain. An unwavering feeling flowing through you as you knew that voice all too well. You didn't want to see him, you were unable to see him

"Y/n you have to get back into bed-"

"I want to go home."

"I can't let you, it's too dange-"

"I SAID I WANT TO GO HOME!" you yelled out in anger. He left you and all of a sudden wanted to be your hero? You finally turned around to look at the man. His face showing an expression you've never seen before

"Where am I? How the hell did I end up here? What the fuck is happening? FUCK!" question after question, you we're desperate for answers. "Where is he?"

Sae sighed deeply before answering. He knew you had the right to know, after all you've been through.

"He's locked up."

You looked at him blankly. "Locked up where? in prison?" you wanted to make sure


You sighed in relief. "Okay so then tell me this, where the hell are we? And how did I end up here?"

Sae stood at the door not wanting to invade your space. He didn't want to make you even more uncomfortable that you already were

"My penthouse. I brought you here because I have no idea where you live since you moved and all."

You sat down on the bed, frustration running through your body. The question you wanted to know the most still racking your brain. Tears threatening to fall

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