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T R E A C H E R O U S裏 切 り を す る

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"What the fuck?!"

You smiled hearing the sound of Rin's voice. Knowing you had him right where you wanted him.

"The fuck is going on?? Sae why are you on top of her?" Rin said in disbelief, struggling to form words. "No.. why are you in bed with my girlfriend, naked? Huh!?" Rin came rushing towards the both of you.

Before he got any closer, you got up and grabbed your phone from of the nightstand. You unlocked it to show the video you recorded of his laptop.

"Well won't you look at that!" You said as you played the video."This random ass lady sure is having the time of her life getting fucked by my now EX boyfriend."

Rin stood frozen in shock

"How did you get that? I told you not to go in my office." he said trying to snatch the phone out of your hand. 

You put your hand up to block him from coming any closer "First of all, fuck you! Secondly, your office is MY office since I pay for the rent of the apartment. You don't pay jack shit!" You pushed him out of your way so you could put your robe back on. "And since I pay for it, I want all your shit out by tomorrow. No later."

You walked out of the room towards the bedroom you were sharing with Rin as you began to pack your stuff.

Rin stood there lost for words, glaring at Sae who was putting on a pair of sweat pants.

"Get the fuck out." Sae said not even taking a glance at his younger brother.

•°. *࿐

Honestly, breaking up with Rin lifted a huge weight off of your shoulders. You knew something was up with him. Always coming home late, leaving you on delivered for hours upon hours. So when you discovered the videos on his laptop, you were not surprised at all. You were honestly happy that you had proof of what you've been worrying about for the longest time.

Currently you were sitting in another guest room located downstairs in the Itoshi residence. You asked Sae if he could drop you off at your apartment early the next morning as Rin already left a few hours after the altercation.

You informed his parents about everything except the part where you fucked Sae. Mrs. Itoshi apologized profusely, even tried to pay you to stay with Rin. All she wanted was for the two of you to marry to keep their family image. Mr. Itoshi didn't even say a word, He didn't even look at you. It was just as if they were dismissing Rin's actions, not even caring what he put you through. You had enough, and  you were just ready for the morning to come so you can finally leave.

You decided to call Mako to tell her everything that happened.

"Why is she not picking up?" you texted her instead but still, no answer from her.

So, you decided to call the one person who you could go to for advice. Hiori Yo.

"Hiorii!!" you said excitedly. You haven't spoken to him in what felt like ages.

"Y/n! What's up? How have you been?"

The two of you go wayy back. Both of your moms were best friends so you basically grew up together. He was always there to cheer you up when you got your heart broken or when you failed a test. He was like an older brother to you, always making sure you ate right and even letting you play video games with him.

Ever since you started dating Rin, the two of you barley got to interact as because of Rin's possessiveness. Thinking back at it, you hated how you thought that it was normal for a relationship.

"Life has honestly been crushing me lately. I feel like I'm drowning in an indescribable emptiness." you said as you heard Hiori sigh on the other line.

"Y/n you know how much I hate it when your down. Tell me what's got you feeling empty? Did Rin do something again?!

You explained your situation in full detail. You had to get it off your chess you were tired of holding back on everything.

Hiori listened to every word that spoke out of your mouth. He always listened that's why you always went to him for comfort.

"And so now Mako isn't answering? Thats weird.." Hiori said in a confused voice.

"I know... She always picks up. I'm worried Hiori. She did say her brother wanted her to keep his dogs but I figured she wasn't going to since she wouldn't even answer his calls."

The two of you continued on with the conversation as you heard a knock at your door. "Hold on on Hiori I'll call you back." You said as you got up from the bed you were currently laying in.

You opened the bedroom door only to be greeted by...



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