Chapter 6: Hunting

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Karluk anxiously stood outside his home, his eyes scanning the horizon in search of any sign of his wife. The worry etched on his face was undeniable, and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest with each passing moment.

Noticing Karluk's distress, Mr. Smith had joined him.

"She is not back yet?" the European asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Karluk shook his head, his gaze fixed on the path that led towards Lake Soma. He couldn't help but worry for Amira's safety, his thoughts clouded with images of lurking dangers in the wilderness.

Just as his anxiety peaked, their neighbor Cagap arrived, riding atop his trusty donkey with a flock of sheep trailing behind. Observing the troubled expression on Karluk's face, Cagap dismounted and approached him with a sympathetic smile.

"What's wrong, Karluk?" Cagap inquired, his voice laced with compassion.

Karluk took a deep breath, his voice trembling slightly as he voiced his concerns. "My wife, Amira, went to Lake Soma, but she has not returned yet," he explained.

Cagap's eyes widened with understanding, his expression mirroring Karluk's worry. "Lake Soma can be a treacherous place," he acknowledged, his tone filled with genuine concern. "Aren't there wolves in that area?"

The thought sent a shiver down Karluk's spine. He couldn't bear the idea of his Amira facing such a perilous situation. 

With a determined spirit and mounting concern for his wife, Karluk hastily mounted his horse, ready to embark on his search for Amira. As he prepared to ride off, Mr. Smith called out to him, his voice filled with urgency.

"Wait, Karluk!" Mr. Smith yelled, trying to catch up with the determined young boy.

Together, they galloped towards Lake Soma, their steeds swiftly carrying them across the rugged terrain. As they approached the lake, a breathtaking sight greeted their eyes. Lake Soma sparkled like a jewel, its pristine waters reflecting the azure sky above. Towering mountains surrounded the tranquil expanse, their majestic peaks reaching towards the heavens.

But there was no time to appreciate the natural beauty. Karluk's thoughts were solely focused on finding Amira, his worry gnawing at him with each passing moment. Suddenly, in the distance, a figure on horseback caught his attention. It was Amira, her silhouette distinct against the vibrant backdrop.

Eagerly, Karluk spurred his horse forward, his heart racing in anticipation. As he drew closer, he watched in awe as Amira skillfully rode alongside a darting rabbit, her bow firmly in hand. With a swift and precise motion, she released an arrow, the whizzing sound cutting through the air.

Amira's movements were a display of grace and agility. She leaned down from her horse, her lithe body almost defying gravity, and expertly collected her fallen prey. The speed and precision with which she accomplished the task left Karluk awestruck, a mix of pride and admiration swelling within him.

In the distance, Mr. Smith and Karluk stood, their eyes fixed on Amira's approach. When the two parties finally met, Amira proudly presented her spoils—a collection of four lifeless rabbits.

Breathless and exhilarated, Karluk looked at Amira, his voice filled with relief and joy. "Amira! You're safe!" he exclaimed, his worry dissipating in an instant.

Amira's face lit up with a radiant smile as she dismounted her horse, holding the rabbits in her hands. "Yes, I am," she replied, her voice filled with triumph. "I managed to track down these rabbits for our dinner."

Karluk's gaze shifted from Amira to the rabbits, his eyes widening in astonishment. He marveled at his wife's hunting prowess, her ability to provide for their household even in unfamiliar surroundings.

Amira's accomplishment brought a sense of fascination not only to Karluk but also to Mr. Smith, who stood nearby, witnessing the reunion. He couldn't help but admire the woman's resourcefulness and resilience.

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