Chapter 30: Rejuvenation

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Karluk's spirit soared as he stepped into the embrace of the sunlit day, his body reawakening to the caress of a gentle breeze. After languishing in the grip of a relentless fever for five seemingly interminable days, the simple pleasure of being outside enveloped him in a wave of sheer delight.

The stables beckoned to him, their rustic charm a sanctuary of familiarity and companionship. Arakura, his loyal equine companion, sensed Karluk's approach and brimmed with unabashed excitement. The horse's expressive eyes sparkled with an undeniable affection as he nuzzled his beloved master, their connection unbroken despite the temporary separation.

"Hahaha!" Karluk's laughter echoed through the stables, a joyous symphony that reverberated within the rustic walls. "Sorry, Arakura. It seems I've missed you more than I realized!"

Yusuf, tending to the noble steeds with devoted care, turned his gaze toward Karluk and Arakura, a warm smile gracing his features. "She's been pining for your return, my friend," he confessed, his voice laced with a touch of playful envy. "It seems she favors your gentle touch over my grooming efforts."

Karluk's gratitude welled up within him like a bubbling spring, his eyes reflecting a genuine appreciation. "Thank you, Yusuf, for tending to her in my absence."

Arakura, delighting in Karluk's presence, showered him with an abundance of affectionate nuzzles. The sensation tickled Karluk's nose, triggering an unexpected sneeze that reverberated through the stables. "Ah! Achoo!"

Laughter erupted from Yusuf, his mirth echoing in the air as he quipped, "Seems Arakura's affection has quite the ticklish effect on you, Karluk!"

As the bustling courtyard resonated with the rhythmic cadence of hurried footsteps, Karluk and Yusuf turned their attention to the door, anticipation etched upon their faces. It swung open with an air of urgency, and Amira burst into the scene, her presence a whirlwind of concern. 

"That cough just now, could your cold be back?!" Amira's voice quivered with fear as she lunged towards Karluk, her hands instinctively reaching for his forehead.

"No! That's not it!" Karluk's voice echoed with an exasperated protest. "It was just a sneeze!"

Amira's eyes widened. Clasping her small husband tightly, she gathered him in her arms, resolute in her resolve to protect him from any perceived threat. With unwavering determination, she began carrying him towards the sanctuary of their bedroom.

"I knew it! You shouldn't have gotten out of bed yet!" Amira's tone held a trace of admonishment, laced with an undercurrent of genuine concern

"I'm fine, I tell you!! Put me down!!" Karluk's voice rang out, a hint of frustration mingling with his plea. His insistence met the formidable strength of Amira's grip, revealing her unwavering determination to shield him from harm.

Yusuf observed the scene, his brow furrowed in a mixture of perplexity and admiration. The impressive display of Amira's strength left him momentarily speechless, his eyes tracing the undeniable power exuded by her petite frame.

"I'm fine," Karluk reiterated, his voice softer this time, an attempt to assuage Amira's concerns. "I'm feeling completely fine."

Reluctantly, Amira released her hold, her eyes still clouded with worry. With gentle care, she gingerly lowered Karluk to the ground.

"You could even sling a sheep around, eh?" Yusuf's words danced on the edge of awe, his admiration for Amira's fortitude evident in his voice.

A hint of a smile tugged at Amira's lips. "Well, maybe not a ram..."

In the cozy confines of their bedroom, Karluk and Amira prepared themselves for their visit to the doctor, an opportunity to express their heartfelt gratitude for his invaluable care. Amidst the gentle rustling of fabric, Amira extended a kaftan towards Karluk.

"Here, put this on too," Amira's voice held a gentle insistence as she presented yet another layer of clothing for Karluk to don.

"Huh? Even more?" Karluk peered at the six kaftans already adorning his frame. "I have plenty on! I'll be fine! We're just going to visit the doctor to thank him. That's all."

Amira's worry etched delicate lines upon her face, a subtle mix of concern and slight hurt shadowing her eyes. Karluk, sensing her vulnerability, allowed compassion to guide his actions. In an act of quiet understanding, he acquiesced, accepting the proffered kaftan and slipping it over his already layered attire. 

As they ventured outside, the weight of Karluk's attire became apparent, an unintentional consequence of Amira's loving insistence. Mounted atop Arakura, Karluk found himself grappling with the comical challenge of maneuvering his limbs amidst the layers of fabric. 

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