Chapter 10: Son

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On the vast expanse of the rolling steppes, where the winds whispered ancient tales and the grasses danced in harmony, an old tribe gathered beneath the open sky. Their nomadic tents formed a circle, a temporary settlement for their discussions.

"The girl we married off to Numanji died?" a man exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief. "How can that be? And what of that young husband of hers?"

Murmurs of concern and confusion swept through the gathered tribe, their gazes shifting from one another. They sought to understand the sudden turn of events, knowing that it held consequences for their own lands and future.

A wizened elder, his face etched with the wisdom of years, cleared his throat, commanding attention. "Is there no one else among us who could fulfill the promise made with Numanji's clan?" he pondered aloud.

In the midst of the whispered deliberations, a voice rose above the rest, drawing attention. "Amira," a tribesman suggested, his eyes bright with realization. "She has been sent far over the mountains due to her age, but her husband is just a young whelp of a boy."

The suggestion hung in the air, the tribe members pondering the possibilities. The chieftain's eyes narrowed, his mind filled with thoughts of strategy and alliances.

"There is little to gain from that marriage," another voice chimed in, echoing the sentiment. "Let us bring Amira back, and she shall marry Numanji instead. It will solidify our hold on those lands."

A collective agreement resonated within the yurt. The decision had been made. Amira would be the key to their plans.

"Amira it is. Azel," the chieftain's voice carried authority and a sense of duty. "It is your honor-bound duty to bring your sister back to the clan."

Azel, a loyal and obedient son, stood tall, his heart filled with a deep respect for his father's words. He understood the weight of responsibility that had been placed upon his shoulders, a duty he would fulfill without question.

"And you will not undertake this journey alone," the chieftain continued, his gaze sweeping across the room. "Take your cousins with you."

Azel's eyes met his cousins', and a shared understanding passed between them. They were ready to embark on this clandestine mission, upholding the traditions and honor of their clan.

"I will carry out your command, Farther," Azel spoke with unwavering determination. "I will bring Amira back to our people."

The chieftain nodded, acknowledging Azel's loyalty. "May the spirits watch over you and guide your path, my son. The steppes can be unforgiving, but your dedication and obedience will see you through."

Azel bowed deeply, his commitment to his father and clan unquestionable.

As the yurt's entrance parted to reveal the night sky, Azel, accompanied by his loyal cousins, stepped into the cool embrace of the open steppes. The moon cast a silvery glow upon their determined faces as they set forth on their mission, their hearts brimming with a sense of purpose.

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