Chapter 32: Encounters

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"Ah! Miss Pariya?" Sanira's voice chimed with curiosity. "Togo's daughter, isn't she?"

A faint smile graced Amira's lips as she recalled the events of the day. "She was a ray of sunshine, Mother," she shared, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "Pariya showed me such kindness today."

Sanira paused in her culinary endeavors, her expression reflecting her acknowledgment of Pariya's character. "Ah, yes. She's known for being quite dependable, that one."

Seleke, her gaze focused on the simmering pot, interjected with a hint of intrigue. "I wonder if she's found a suitable match yet. She's of marriageable age, after all. Have her parents found someone for her?"

Sanira sighed, her voice tinged with a mixture of concern and uncertainty. "They've been searching, but so far, they haven't come across anyone worthy. Perhaps they are considering the naft boy for her."

Seleke's curiosity heightened, her voice lowered in a conspiratorial tone. "Well, just between us, I heard whispers that he's set to marry Miss Eri."

Karluk, who was meticulously sweeping the courtyard, couldn't help but notice how well informed his mother and older sister were.

The sun cast its gentle rays upon the nearly deserted bread market, where Amira discovered Pariya standing amidst the quietude.

"Oh!" Pariya exclaimed, her voice carrying through the empty space. "Hello there!"

Amira approached with a warm smile, taking in the serene atmosphere. "It seems it's just the two of us today, Miss Pariya."

Pariya nodded, her expression a mix of surprise and delight. "Yes, everyone else has already left."

Amira's gaze fell upon Pariya's bread, its surface adorned with an exquisite, starry pattern. "Wow! That is truly magnificent!"

Pariya's cheeks flushed with a blend of pride and modesty. "Thank you," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude.

As they immersed themselves in the art of baking, an incident unfolded. Amira, eager to retrieve her freshly baked bread from the scorching oven, forewent the use of the large metal spatula, opting to reach in with her bare hand.

"Hey! Wait, Amira!" Pariya's voice rang out, laced with concern. Fearful of Amira burning herself, she interjected. "Be cautious! You might get hurt!"

Amira, perplexed yet unharmed, turned towards Pariya. "Yes? Is something the matter?"

Pariya blushed awkwardly, her words stumbling out. "Never mind. It was nothing."

Amidst the rhythmic motion of their rolling pins and the soft whispers of dough, Pariya's curiosity and insecurities took hold, prompting her to initiate a conversation.

"Amira? You came here to be married, didn't you?" Pariya inquired, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

Amira nodded, her eyes brimming with understanding. "Yes, Miss Pariya. And what about you? Have you also..."

Pariya's response carried a hint of hesitation and vulnerability. "Well, not yet. My parents have been actively seeking a suitable partner for me."

Amira's empathetic gaze met Pariya's. "I see."

In the tender silence that followed, Pariya's reservations melted away, and she found the courage to unveil her true sentiments.

"I must confess, that was a lie," Pariya admitted, her voice laced with vulnerability. "In truth, I have been introduced to a few guys, but none of them liked me much."

Amira's eyes widened, the depth of her empathy etched upon her face. "Oh!" 

"I'm... often thought of as being too pushy," Pariya admitted, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

Amira looked at Pariya, genuine curiosity etched upon her face. "Really? That's how others perceive you?"

Pariya nodded, a hint of self-doubt lingering in her eyes. "Yes, it's what they say."

Amira's voice carried a comforting reassurance. "But do you believe it? Are you truly pushy?"

Pariya's brows furrowed, contemplating Amira's question. "Huh? No! That's just the label they've assigned to me. Deep down, I know it's not desirable to be pushy. I am aware of that!"

A burst of frustration escaped Pariya's lips as she continued, her emotions pouring forth. "I've been trying so hard not to be pushy, but..."

Amira reached out a comforting hand, her voice gentle and understanding. "I don't think you're pushy, Pariya. And the fact that you're making an effort to change is commendable, isn't it?"

Pariya's flushed face gradually calmed, her vulnerability met with empathy. "... Right," she responded, her voice softening. "I guess you're right. I hope so."

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