Chapter 42: Embers

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The nomads sat outside the village, their makeshift camp illuminated by a crackling fire. Baimat returned, bearing a meager offering of rabbits, their modest dinner for the evening.

"This is as good as I could do," Baimat said, presenting the rabbits.

"It's fine," Azel replied, graciously accepting the meager meal.

"Still roughing it even when we're on the outskirts of a village," Joruk grumbled. "I wish we had some rice to fill our bellies."

Baimat chimed in, acknowledging the reality they faced. "There's no way around it. We can't enter the city."

"We should have at least visited the market before all this," Joruk complained, directing his frustration at Baimat. "What do you think our uncle and the others are planning now?"

Baimat shrugged, his gaze fixed on the flames. "Beats me. They'll come up with something. Sitting here, brooding, won't change a thing."

Azel remained silent, his eyes locked on the dancing flames, lost in thought.

Unable to contain himself, Joruk snapped a twig and tossed it into the fire. "Hey, Azel, back there... you let her go, didn't you?"

Baimat shot Joruk a warning glance, silently urging him to stay quiet. However, Joruk pressed on.

"Sure, the Numaji may have wealth and power, plenty of land. But deep down, you know he's not the kind of person we'd want as family," Joruk asserted. "Besides, those men treat their women with cruelty! Aterui died because she was beaten so brutally, her bones shattered."

Azel's gaze remained fixed on the flickering flames. "Father has made up his mind. There's not much we can do about it."

"That may be true," Joruk continued, his voice filled with sincerity. "But if you talk to him... I mean, she's your sister after all."

Baitmat announced with satisfaction, "It's done," as the aroma of cooked rabbit meat wafted through the air. "Dig in. You too, Joruk."

Azel and Joruk began to eat while Baimat departed to distribute the rabbit meat among the other men gathered around their campfire. Before leaving, he cautioned Joruk, "Don't be too hard on Azel."

"Eh? What are you talking about? I'm not!" Joruk retorted defensively.

Baimat joined the older men seated by the neighboring campfire, where Turlan was engaged in conversation.

"Why were those guys even there in the first place? Why do people around here like to meddle in other people's business?" Turlan grumbled.

"Damn right!" voiced another nomad in agreement.

Baimat approached Turlan, presenting the rabbit meat. "Here's the rest."

Turlan scanned the offering and remarked, "You guys brought bread, right? Bring it over. Well, no matter. Our priority now is to bring Amira back, even if we have to drag her."

As the night enveloped the nomad camp, discussions of their next course of action filled the air. A nomad spoke up, breaking the silence, "Shall we go back at dawn?"

Turlan contemplated for a moment before responding, "Night would be better. If we're going to make a move, the sooner, the better."

Another nomad, a young and impatient man, couldn't contain his eagerness. "Yeah, why are we just sitting around here? They're nothing but country yokels! When things get tough, they'll surely turn tail and run!"

The words hung in the air, a mixture of confidence and anticipation. The nomads were determined to retrieve Amira, fueled by their belief in the superiority of their nomadic way of life.

Turlan's voice echoed through the night, filled with determination and urgency. "Hey, we're leaving!" he bellowed at the younger men, kicking dirt into the fire to extinguish it. "Get moving! Let's grab her and go back! No more screwing around!"

In response to his call, Azel, Baimat, and Joruk swiftly mounted their horses, their eyes fixed on the mission at hand. The weight of their purpose hung heavily in the air as Turlan issued his orders.

Azel," Turlan commanded, his voice resolute. "Ride out ahead. When you find Amira, use any means necessary to bring her back."

Azel spurred his horse into action, galloping ahead with Baimat and Joruk close behind. The darkness embraced them as they embarked on their pursuit, their hearts set on reclaiming Amira.

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