Chapter 17: Night sky

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The crackling of the dying embers whispered in the night as exhaustion washed over Karluk, his young body struggling to withstand the effects of the fermented mare's milk. His eyelids grew heavy, and his once lively spirit began to wane.

Umak chuckled softly, observing Karluk's drowsy state. "Oh? You're getting sleepy," he remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Karluk, barely able to articulate a response, mumbled unintelligibly, his words blending into a haze of drowsiness. The effects of the drink, coupled with the weariness of the day's events, had taken their toll on the young boy.

"Well, of course," Umak continued, his tone warm and understanding. "It's about time to call it a night. Tomorrow is another day."

Amira, ever attentive to Karluk's well-being, stepped forward. She recognized the signs of his fatigue and the need for rest. With a tender touch, she guided him towards a cup of water, offering him respite from the intoxication that weighed him down.

"Here, drink some water," Amira said softly, holding the container to Karluk's lips. She watched as he drank, his eyes struggling to stay open.

"Thank you," Karluk managed to utter, his words slurred and barely audible.

As the night grew late, Ralka, Umak's wife, interjected with a gentle suggestion. "Please use the yurt in the back," she said, her voice filled with hospitality and care. "I've prepared bedding for you."

Amira expressed her gratitude, appreciating the thoughtfulness and generosity of their hosts. "Thank you so much," she replied, her voice filled with warmth.

Umak and his father-in-law observed as Amira led Karluk outside to their designated yurt.

"Anyway, his wife, isn't she a bit old?" Umak commented, his tone tinged with curiosity.

"Yes, indeed," the older man replied, nodding thoughtfully.

"I hope it works out for them. With her being that old, she won't bear very many children. A young wife, that's the way to go."

"Damn straight," the older man agreed.

Inside the yurt, the soft glow of moonlight filtered through the openings, creating a serene atmosphere. Amira gently guided Karluk to the bedding prepared by Ralka. 

Karluk lay on his stomach on the bed, feeling the effects of the alcohol weighing him down. "Ugh... I'm completely stuffed. I had no idea Uncle would make me drink so much liquor."

He looked up at Amira, who stood tall over him, a smile playing on her lips. She had removed her headdress, revealing her beautiful coal black hair.

"Are you drunk?" Amira teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"I'm not drunk!" Karluk insisted, though his slurred words betrayed him.

"Really?" Amira asked, arching an eyebrow skeptically.

Karluk pondered for a moment, then surrendered, placing his head in his arms. "Okay, I guess I am drunk."

Amira joined him on the bed, also lying on her stomach.

"They're really nice people, aren't they?" Karluk asked.

"They are," Amira responded, her tone soft and warm.

"On the way back, let's go get more of those pomegranates, okay?"

Amira smiled, her affection for him shining through. "Sure!"

Karluk fell silent for a moment, his expression turning serious. He sat up on the bed, facing Amira, and she followed suit, facing him with curiosity in her eyes.

"I need to tell you something," Karluk began, his voice filled with earnestness.

Amira's interest piqued, and she gave him her full attention. "All right."

"When we first met... The reason I was so surprised wasn't because I didn't want to marry you. It was because you were so different from what I had heard. And, um, also... I've never had a problem with your age. That's not an issue between us at all," Karluk confessed, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

Amira's smile grew, a mixture of joy and relief spreading across her face. "... Okay."

After expressing his thoughts, Karluk bowed his head to Amira, feeling relief. "That's all," he said, his voice barely a whisper.

"That's all?" she questioned, her tone laced with playfulness.

Karluk, unsure of what she meant, met her gaze.

Amira leaned closer, her eyes filled with tenderness. "Are you sure that is all?" she pressed, her voice barely above a whisper.

With a gentle and purposeful movement, Amira closed the distance between them, her lips meeting Karluk's in a soft, tender kiss. Time seemed to stand still as their lips touched, their connection deepening in that simple yet profound gesture.

Despite being married for nearly a month, it was their first kiss, a delicate and cherished moment that sealed their bond in a new way. In that instant, Karluk felt a rush of emotions, a blend of innocence, curiosity, and an awakening desire that hinted at the journey ahead for them as husband and wife.

Amira pulled away from the kiss, her mind filled with conflicting emotions. While Karluk was her husband, she couldn't shake the awareness that he was still just a young boy. The weight of their age difference weighed heavily on her thoughts, stirring a sense of hesitation and uncertainty.

She gazed into Karluk's eyes, searching for understanding and finding a mix of innocence and longing reflected in his gaze. Her heart ached with tenderness for him, knowing that their marriage was going to be a delicate balance between societal expectations of them producing offspring against her own morals preventing her from being inappropriate with her dear child husband.

"Let's get some sleep," Karluk said, his voice betraying his sudden awkwardness and nervousness. He glanced around the yurt, aware of the unfamiliarity of his surroundings.

"Wait! Hold it! Why are you taking everything off?" Karluk's voice carried a mix of surprise and concern, his eyes widening in disbelief.

Amira turned to face Karluk, her expression softening as she noticed his unease. She realized that this might be his first encounter with a naked woman, and she wanted to put him at ease.

"Karluk," Amira spoke gently, her voice filled with reassurance, "in nomadic culture, it is common for married couples to sleep naked together. It's a way to stay warm and share our body heat."

Karluk's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he averted his gaze, his mind racing with a mixture of curiosity and confusion. The sight of Amira's nudity made him acutely aware of his own inexperience. With a deep breath, he allowed Amira to guide him through the process, shedding his garments until they were both standing, bare and vulnerable.

As they climbed into bed, the covers enveloping their naked bodies, a mixture of shyness and intimacy hung in the air. Karluk could feel the heat radiating from Amira's skin, the closeness between them intensifying as they settled under the blankets. Amira gently held Karluk in her arms, her body nestled against his back. They lay close together, forming a comforting and intimate embrace. She offered warmth and security, her presence a shield against the world's uncertainties. Together, they lay side by side, their bodies pressed lightly against each other. The soft warmth of their intertwined limbs and the gentle rise and fall of their breaths created a serene rhythm that lulled them into a peaceful slumber.

In the quiet darkness of the yurt, Karluk and Amira found solace and contentment, their vulnerability and trust deepening as they embarked on this new chapter of their lives together. Wrapped in each other's arms, they drifted off to sleep, their dreams carrying them into a future filled with love and shared warmth.

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