Chapter 16: Celebration

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The crackling fire cast dancing shadows upon the faces of Amira, Karluk, and his extended family. As they gathered around, savoring the succulent mutton, the air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of roasted meat.

"Man, I'll tell you," Umak began, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and determination. "Those northerners are such trash! We were here first, but they came in, pushing their weight around, telling us to get rid of our sheep and start plowing fields instead? What a load of bollocks. This was our original homeland anyway. There's no way we'll ever leave it again, no matter what!"

Karluk listened attentively, his eyes reflecting the same fire that burned within his uncle. Umak's spirited defense of their ancestral lands resonated with him, reminding him of his father.

Umak, realizing he had dwelled on his own troubles for too long, quickly shifted gears. "Ah, but I shouldn't bore you with my woes," he said, raising his goblet. "Anyway, we're all able to meet together at last. This calls for a celebration. And Karluk, my boy, you've brought me this scabbard I asked for! Indeed, it's really well made."

Amidst the lively conversation and laughter, Umak's grandchild crawled into Amira's lap, seeking attention. 

"Tatay, please!" the child's mother pleaded.

Amira smiled warmly, her heart touched by the child's innocence. She glanced at the child's mother and noticed that she was only slightly older than Karluk, yet she already had a child and had one more on the way. It stirred a mix of emotions within Amira. She couldn't help but notice that she was already twenty years old and remained childless. Married to Karluk, a young boy who had yet to enter adulthood, she knew that motherhood would have to wait, prolonging the uncertainty that gnawed at her.

As the feast continued, Karluk's cousin, the small child's father, nudging him gently. "You've come a long way, Karluk," he remarked, a playful glint in his eyes.

Karluk chuckled nervously, oblivious to Amira's inner turmoil. He felt a sense of belonging among his kin, but he was unaware of the weight that rested upon his wife's shoulders. The expectations of their community, coupled with her growing age and diminishing fertility, only added to her silent worries.

Amira struggled to maintain her composure, her mind clouded by self-doubt. She understood the unspoken thoughts that swirled in the minds of Umak's family members, questioning her ability to fulfill her role as a wife and mother. With every passing day, she couldn't help but feel the weight of her age pressing upon her, amplifying her insecurities.

Umak's father-in-law, his eyes twinkling mischievously, presented Karluk with a leather bottle filled with kumis, fermented mare's milk. "Karluk, m'boy! You have a bride, so you're a man now. You should drink with us! Come on!" he exclaimed, encouraging Karluk to partake in the ritual.

Smiling nervously, Karluk accepted the challenge, raising the bottle to his lips. The taste was foreign and slightly sour, causing him to wrinkle his nose in distaste. However, driven by the desire to prove his newfound manhood, he swallowed the beverage, his throat tingling with each sip.

Amidst the merriment, Umak's wife, Ralka, who had been observing the scene, was called upon by her husband. "Ralka, sing us a song!" he commanded, his voice filled with excitement.

With a nod and a graceful clearing of her throat, Ralka's melodic voice filled the night air. 

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