Chapter 56: Stitches

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In the tranquility of Seleke's family bedchamber, the three sat amidst a spread of linen, their surroundings bathed in the soft glow of lantern light. Pillows provided comfortable seating as Seleke, Tileke, and Amira gathered together, their attention focused on the task at hand.

"Anyway!" Seleke declared, her voice firm yet gentle. "Take your mind off hawks for a second. Try sewing something else. Like something I taught you earlier."

Tileke pondered her mother's request for a moment before relenting. "Okay. Eagles."

"Besides other birds!" Seleke interjected, her irritation palpable as she sought to turn her daughter to a more feminine way of thinking. With a resigned sigh, she resolved to take a more hands-on approach. "I'll help you with it."


"Don't 'awww' me!" Seleke retorted, her patience wearing thin. With practiced ease, she prepared a piece of linen, guiding Tileke's attention to the task at hand. "You see? Look here."

As the mother and daughter engaged in their shared pursuit, Amira observed silently from the sidelines. With a quiet resolve, she made a silent exit, leaving Seleke and Tileke to their stitching.

As Amira visited her dear friend Pariya, she found the younger girl in her family's courtyard, deeply engrossed in practicing with the composite bow Amira had gifted her. Pariya's fingers bore the evidence of her dedication, calloused from countless hours spent perfecting her aim.

"Ah... Embroidery?" Pariya echoed, momentarily distracted from her archery practice. "Well, uh... Yeah... Well... I can do some, yeah. About as well as anyone."

Amira watched with a sense of pride as Pariya unleashed another arrow. She was learning. It was clear to Amira that Pariya's passion lay in mastering the art of archery rather than the delicate intricacies of embroidery.

"You're always wearing such beautiful clothes, after all," Amira remarked, noting the grace with which Pariya moved.

"Uh, about that. I guess my mom helped me with about half the work or so," Pariya admitted, her tone tinged with sheepishness.

"Helped?" Amira inquired.

"Well, of course I did some as well. But it's not like I did all of it. More like I added the, uhh, final touch? ......." Pariya trailed off.

"Sorry!!" Pariyah then burst out, her face reddening with embarrassment. "To be honest, I don't trust my skill with the needle!! Actually, I really don't like it a bit! And I'm not at all that good at it!"

"Really?" Amira responded, her tone gentle and understanding. "But you're so good at making bread. You can eat it for one thing!"

"Bread is different!" Pariyah exclaimed in frustration. "The detail work in embroidery drives me up the wall!"

"Up the wall?" Amira queried, intrigued by Pariyah's colorful expression.

"That's right!! Weaving is so much better!"

"... I see," Amira replied, nodding in comprehension.

Suddenly, Pariyah's embarrassment seemed to intensify as she reached out and took hold of Amira's hand, seeking reassurance and understanding.

"Uh, Amira, could you keep this a secret? If it gets out, I'd have even less of a chance to find a husband," Pariyah pleaded.

Amira's heart went out to her young friend, and she offered a comforting pat on Pariyah's shoulder. "Oh, Pariyah, wouldn't they find out after you got married, anyway?" 

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