Chapter 35: Journey

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The sun beat down mercilessly as the four intrepid travelers ventured through the rugged mountains. Their trusty horses and a diligent donkey carried their belongings, while the scorching heat seemed to weigh upon their weary bodies.

Mr. Smith grimaced as sweat trickled down his forehead. "Goodness gracious, the sun's intensity is unforgiving, isn't it?" he exclaimed, seeking relief from the scorching rays.

Karluk glanced back at the perspiring Mr. Smith. "Didn't you bring a hat?" he inquired.

"Well, you see," Mr. Smith replied, his voice tinged with a hint of regret, "it was rather cool in the village, and the skies were overcast when we set out. I didn't anticipate such scorching weather!"

Sensing his discomfort, Karluk turned to his wife, seeking a solution. "Amira, do we have anything that Mr. Smith could use for shade?"

Amira pondered for a moment. "Like some cloth?"

"Yes, something like that." 

At that very moment, Pariya discreetly retrieved a long silk handkerchief from her sleeve. She quietly approached Amira, whispering, "Amira, please take this."

The European's exotic allure had captured her attention. She had heard stories of the European lands and their different customs, and she found herself intrigued by this unmarried foreigner in their midst.

Amira's hands gracefully passed the cloth piece to Karluk, her eyes twinkling with a knowing glance. She made sure to mention that it was a gift from Pariya, subtly acknowledging the younger girl's sign interest.

Karluk accepted the cloth graciously, unaware of the unspoken intention behind Pariya's gift. He turned towards Mr. Smith, who also remained oblivious to the deeper context. Karluk approached him, holding out the cloth.

"Here, Mr. Smith," Karluk said. "This will protect you from the intense sun."

Mr. Smith took the cloth, unsure of its purpose. He clumsily wrapped it around his head in a manner more reminiscent of an elderly woman's kerchief than a functional head covering. Karluk's brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of the unconventional sight before him.

"Um... Maybe you could try wearing it differently," Karluk suggested, his tone tinged with a mix of amusement and puzzlement. "Like this." He proceeded to demonstrate how to fashion the cloth into a turban-like headpiece.

Looking at Karluk's demonstration, Mr. Smith attempted to imitate the style. "Like this?"

Amira and Pariya stood nearby, observing the scene. Pariya couldn't help but feel a slight pang of disappointment, realizing that her initial fascination with Mr. Smith had been unfounded.

"He's... a bit more clueless than I thought," Pariya whispered to Amira. "I thought you said he was a scholar?"

Amira nodded. "Indeed. A scholar of what, I do not know."

As they continued their trek, the sun cast long shadows upon the rugged landscape. As the group reached the canyon, their eyes were drawn to a mysterious structure nestled at the bottom. The small building stood proudly, adorned with pillars and an aura of antiquity, resembling a temple of sorts. Mr. Smith's curiosity couldn't be contained as he posed the question that lingered on his lips.

"What's that over there?" Mr. Smith inquired, his voice filled with intrigue and wonder.

Karluk's gaze shifted towards the enigmatic structure before responding, "It's the Horukia Mausoleum."

"Mausoleum?" Mr. Smith's eyes widened with fascination. "You mean like a grave? Wow! Could I take a quick look at it?"

Karluk hesitated, aware of the cultural norms surrounding the mausoleum. "Well, traditionally, men aren't supposed to enter there. However, considering you're from another country, Mr. Smith, perhaps it's permissible."

A smile stretched across Mr. Smith's face as he embraced the opportunity bestowed upon him. "Thank you, Karluk. I promise to show utmost respect and not disturb anything inside."

While Mr. Smith eagerly made his way towards the mausoleum, Pariya turned to Amira, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. 

"Ah! Amira, I think you should go too, to pray!" Pariya suggested, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Amira's gaze shifted towards Karluk, seeking his approval. "Should I?"

Karluk, sensing Amira's curiosity, encouraged her with a gentle nod. "Go ahead. I'll wait for you here with the horses."

Pariya, unable to contain her excitement, took hold of Amira's arm, practically pulling her towards the mausoleum. Their steps were filled with a sense of reverence as they approached the ancient monument, prepared to delve into its secrets.

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