Chapter 27: Doctor

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As the evening cast its long shadows, Mr. Smith rummaged through the contents of the first aid kit he had brought from distant England. His hands darted anxiously among vials and bandages, desperately seeking a remedy that matched the severity of the situation. His furrowed brow mirrored the weight of his own feelings of inadequacy, an outsider lost in a world unfamiliar.

"Analgesic... Disinfectant..." Mr. Smith muttered, his voice tinged with frustration. His gaze fell upon a small bottle of stomach medicine, a fleeting glimmer of hope amidst his mounting desperation. "I wish I'd brought more with me..."

Beside him, Amira and Karluk sat in a haze of uncertainty, their expressions mirroring the gravity of the situation. Tileke and Seleke, ever vigilant, stood nearby, lending their silent support to the unfolding scene. Mr. Smith couldn't shake the nagging sense of being ill-equipped, a fool out of his depth in the face of a dire circumstance.

Turning to Karluk, Mr. Smith extended the offering of the stomach medicine, his voice laced with a thread of tentative optimism. "You want to try this? It might provide some relief."

Karluk let out a weary chuckle, the sound carrying both warmth and resignation. "I'll pass," he replied, his eyes reflecting a weariness that extended beyond his physical ailment.

A heavy sigh escaped Mr. Smith's lips, his glasses slipping slightly as he adjusted them with a gentle touch. "They say hot brandy can work wonders, but alas, such luxuries are scarce in these lands..."

Just as a sense of helplessness began to settle, the room erupted with a sudden burst of energy. Yusuf, brimming with urgency, burst into the room, breathless with news. "Karluk! Are you okay? I went to the doctor's house. He said he's coming over right away."

"The doctor?" Mr. Smith's voice was laced with both surprise and relief. "Well, that's good news!"

Beside him, Seleke reached out, her touch a gentle reassurance on Amira's shoulder. "See, it'll be all right. He's a good doctor," she whispered.

The room brimmed with anticipation as the aged doctor made his arrival, his presence commanding the attention of the entire family. His long, graying beard mirrored the wisdom and experience etched into his weathered face. Amira, cradling her small husband in her arms, carefully assisted Karluk in sitting up.

The doctor's examination was thorough, his observations accompanied by a silence that hung heavily in the air. Finally, he presented Karluk with a steaming bowl of thick bone broth infused with tea leaves, a potion promising respite from their troubles. Karluk eagerly accepted, drinking it with gratitude coursing through his veins.

"Just like that," the doctor instructed, his voice carrying a note of authority. "Three times a day. Boil the leaves, then drink the broth."

Amira nodded, her eyes fixed on the doctor, absorbing every word with unwavering focus. "Yes, sir," she affirmed.

With his instructions delivered, the doctor made ready to depart, eager to continue his rounds. But before he could make his exit, Mr. Smith approached him.

"May I have a moment of your time?" Mr. Smith inquired, his voice brimming with a mixture of respect and curiosity.

The doctor, regarding him with a quizzical gaze, questioned, "Who are you?"

The Englishman extended an inviting gesture. "Now, now, come with me. I just have a few questions..."

While the doctor engaged in conversation with Mr. Smith, Sanira turned her gaze to Amira. With a tender touch, she caressed the younger woman's shoulder, her voice filled with compassion. "Miss Amira, maybe you should get some rest. You haven't slept in a wink."

"I'm fine," Amira insisted with resolute determination. Her eyes remained fixed on her sick husband.

Next to her, Seleke, filled with concern, attempted to persuade Amira to step aside. "Um... Miss Amira? Let me do it?" she suggested gently, her voice filled with genuine worry.

"I'm perfectly fine," she repeated, more forcefully this time, her unwavering gaze never leaving Karluk's weakened form. 

Sharing a silent exchange, Sanira and Seleke retreated, leaving Amira alone in her unwavering vigil. As they moved away, Sanira's mind grappled with conflicting emotions. "Maybe we should have insisted she rest," she mused, questioning their decision. "And yet... Since I understand her feelings, I can't be too hard on her."

Seleke released a heavy sigh, her thoughts mirroring her mother's concerns. "Even if Karluk recovers," she contemplated, "what if Miss Amira were to fall ill? That would be an even greater tragedy."

Mother and daughter fell into a pensive silence, contemplating the weight of their worries. "Never mind Karluk," Sanira said. "It's Miss Amira we should truly be worried about. Funny, isn't it?"

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