Chapter 25: Fever

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In the bedroom, Karluk lay still, his face displaying signs of exhaustion and discomfort. He couldn't shake off the dizziness that seemed to envelop him, and as he placed his palm on his forehead, he realized that he was running a high temperature.

Just then, Amira entered the room, her carefree whistle fading away as she noticed the troubled expression on Karluk's face. Concern etched her features as she approached him. "Is something wrong?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

Karluk's voice was weak as he responded, "I think I have a fever. I'm not sure what's happening."

Amira's heart skipped a beat, her fear intensifying. Without hesitation, she reached out and gently placed her palm on his forehead. The heat radiating from his skin confirmed her worst fears.

"Ah, that feels nice and cold," Karluk remarked, trying to maintain a sense of calm.

Amira's mind raced with anxiety. She was instantly overwhelmed with concern for her sweet husband. The sight of Karluk in distress caused her to panic internally. She fought to keep her composure, trying to gather her thoughts. Amira's worry intensified as she saw her husband's pale and feverish state. Overwhelmed by her desperation to help him, she swiftly and forcefully picked him up in her arms, tossed him over her shoulder, while ignoring Karluk's protests and pleas.

"Whoa! Hey! Amira! What are you--" Karluk's words were drowned out by his wife's urgency.

Carrying him with a sense of urgency, Amira hurriedly made her way out of the bedroom and into the living room, where the warmth of the fireplace awaited. She carefully placed Karluk on the carpets in front of the flickering flames.

Frantically, Amira began gathering all their pillows and carpets, tossing them on top of Karluk without considering his discomfort or ability to breathe properly. Karluk's protests grew louder, his voice filled with panic.

"Amira!? I can't... I can't breathe...!" Karluk struggled to catch his breath, feeling suffocated by the pile of pillows and carpets.

Realizing her mistake, Amira quickly reacted, removing the excess pillows and carpets, providing Karluk with much-needed relief. She adjusted the remaining pillows, ensuring they offered comfort and warmth without overwhelming him.

Karluk looked into his wife's eyes and saw the genuine fear reflected in them. Tears streamed down Amira's face, and her voice trembled as she pleaded with him.

"You shouldn't get up. Lie there, okay?" she begged, her voice filled with desperation.

As Karluk looked into his wife's tear-filled eyes, he realized the extent of her fear and worry. It was a side of Amira he had never witnessed before—vulnerable, scared, and completely uncomposed. It struck him deeply, tugging at his heartstrings.

Seeing her distress, Karluk mustered a weak smile and spoke softly, wanting to reassure her. "You're right, Amira. I'll stay here and rest."

With that, Amira quickly dashed out of the room, calling urgently for her mother-in-law, seeking assistance and guidance in this uncertain situation. Karluk lay there, his body weakened by the fever, feeling a mix of gratitude for his wife's concern and worry about his own condition.

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