Chapter 8: Oil lamp

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In the quiet darkness of the night, Karluk stirred from his slumber, his senses gradually adjusting to the soft glow the oil lamp illuminating the room. His eyes focused on the figure of Amira, sitting by the lamp's gentle light, diligently engaged in her embroidery. A sense of curiosity mingled with sleep-induced haze as he silently observed her nimble fingers gracefully maneuvering the needle and thread.

Thoughts swirled within Karluk's mind as he watched her work, contemplating the peculiar circumstances that had brought them together. The reality that he now had to share his room with this older, unfamiliar woman was an undeniable truth, yet he was determined to fulfill his responsibilities as a good husband, as ingrained in his upbringing.

As Karluk continued to gaze upon Amira, a mix of emotions tugged at his heart. He marveled at her skillful embroidery, the delicate stitches forming intricate patterns on the fabric. It was a reminder of her talents and the qualities that had won over his family's admiration.

However, an underlying sense of apprehension lingered. He was still coming to terms with the fact that his life had been irrevocably altered by this arranged marriage, and doubts occasionally flickered within him.

As the night wore on, exhaustion began to reclaim Karluk's consciousness. Sleep beckoned him back into its embrace, pulling him into a realm of dreams. Images of Amira on her horse, swift and determined, chasing rabbits through vast landscapes, danced across the canvas of his mind. It was a testament to the awe and admiration he held for his wife's remarkable skills.

With dreams gently guiding his thoughts, Karluk surrendered himself to slumber once more, finding solace in the realm where uncertainties and realities intertwined, hoping for a future where he and Amira would grow closer, their shared experiences and unspoken understanding strengthening the bonds between them.

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