Chapter 55: Tileke's Trousseau

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"What exactly would you need?" Mahatbek inquired, his gaze fixed on his granddaughter.

"Let's see..." Seleke began, her mind already ticking through the list of essentials. "Gold and silver thread, beads... It's not like she's going to make anything big yet."

Yusuf, observing his wife's deliberations, remained silent, understanding the weight of the task ahead. The conversation revolved around Tileke's future, her transition into womanhood looming on the horizon.

"You'll need to use the good dyes for this," Balkirsh interjected, her expertise in the craft evident as she offered her advice.

"And don't forget to buy all the silk thread you need all at once," Sanira chimed in.

Yusuf, feeling the weight of responsibility, sought reassurance. "That's all?" he queried, hoping for a comprehensive understanding of their needs.

"If possible, I'd like her to have more silk cloth..." Seleke pleaded.

Akunbek, ever the patriarch, offered his approval with a nod. "Go on, go on. Just buy it. No sense in pinching pennies here."

As the discussion unfolded, Balkirsh proudly displayed Tileke's needlework, highlighting her skill with the needle. "She has a good sense for the needle," she remarked, admiration evident in her voice.

Sanira echoed her sentiments. "Tileke is really good at this. She's impressive for her age."

Yet, beneath the veneer of pride, Seleke couldn't shake a sense of unease. Observing her daughter's embroidery, she couldn't help but wonder if eagles, falcons, and hawks were all Tileke knew how to stitch. "Well, yes..." she conceded hesitantly. "She certainly is handy about it but..."

In the quiet of their shared bedchamber, Seleke approached her daughter, Tileke, who was deeply engrossed in her embroidery. As the only daughter and eldest child, Tileke held a special place in Seleke's heart, her motherly concern evident in her gentle inquiry.

"Tileke, all you ever make is hawks. Why don't you make flowers or something?" Seleke asked, her voice tinged with a mild frustration. "I taught you how to make all sorts of things, didn't I?"

Tileke hesitated, uncertain how to articulate her feelings. "But... I like hawks," she finally offered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"But that's no reason only to make hawks..."

Before the conversation could progress further, their interaction was interrupted by the arrival of Seleke's sister-in-law. Amira's eyes sparkled with admiration as she beheld Tileke's embroidery.

"Oh my! You've made so many!" she exclaimed, her admiration genuine.

"Amira!" Seleke greeted, seizing the opportunity to redirect Tileke's attention. "Good timing! Would you mind showing her some of your embroidery?"

Amira readily complied, disappearing briefly before returning with a selection of fabrics adorned with intricate designs.

"Here, Tileke," Seleke urged, her voice tinged with expectation as she presented Amira's handiwork. "Take a look at your aunt's work."

Yet, to Seleke's dismay, the patterns showcased on Amira's fabrics mirrored Tileke's own preferences—birds, deer, sheep, men riding horses, even wolves and tigers. Tileke's eyes lit up with excitement, finding kinship in her aunt's creations. But for Seleke, the resemblance only served to deepen her concern.

"How charming..."

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