Part 1 - Bus ride

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Pov Wilhelm
"Come on, get on board" today it finally starts. Today the student exchange starts, fortunately, I can do it with Simon. Well, it may be that I may have helped a little, but hey, it's for a good case. Besides, I'm actually really scared of it, probably because I have to give a stupid speech and I really don't know if I would be able to do it without him. "Crown Prince?" "Yeah, sorry" I give my suitcase to the bus driver who takes it.

"Wille" I turn around. "Simon" I hug him. Since I admitted in my last speech that that's me in the video, I can finally be who I am, only among people I know well, but still. After that, I was only allowed to stay at Hillerska under two conditions, firstly, Simon and I are only allowed to hug each other in public, nothing more and secondly, I am only allowed to go outside with Malin or another bodyguard. "Come on" I'll take Simon by his hand and yes, I know I'm not allowed to that, but right now I don't care.

We get on the bus together and look for two seats next to each other that are still available. "Here, is that okay for you?" he nods and we sit down. Simon yawns for the second time in a very short time. "Are you tired?" "I was so exited that I almost didn't sleep last night" "Sounds pleasant" "It is" he rests his head on my shoulder. "Totally" I smile. The bus gets fuller and fuller and at the very end two of my bodyguards, the teachers who come with us and the bus driver gets in. "They just shouldn't come here, please" I close my eyes and only open them again when I suddenly feel someone tap on my shoulder. I turn around.

"Look, they've sat down at the front" Felice points to the front row. "Luckily" "Why?" a girl sitting next to Felice, unfortunately I can't remember her name, looks at me questioningly. "They're not allowed to touch each other among people other than a hug to say hello and one to say goodbye. If these two" she points back to the front row.  "Sitting up front, they can't see what's going on back here" "Ahh, all right" she puts on her headphones with a grin. "Do you want to hear music?" "Yes, of course, but I'll probably fall asleep anyway" "It doesn't matter" I give him one of my Airpods with a grin and start a playlist that we once made together.

I watch the trees and bushes "fly" past the window. After a few minutes I hear a soft snoring. I grin. Simon actually fell asleep leaning against me. I close my eyes too. Last night I had a long discussion with my mother because she didn't want Simon and I to go to the student exchange at the same time, but luckily I was still able to convince her in the end.

Pov Simon
"Wille" I say quietly and caress his cheek. "What?" he opens his eyes and looks around confused. "We'll be right at the airport now" "Oh" Willhelm sits up a little straighter. "How long could you sleep?" "I?" I look at him in surprise. "Yeah, who else?" "I didn't get much of the drive, it wasn't until we drove into town and the noise and the others got louder that I woke up, so I guess I slept for quite a while" he pulls on, smiling sleepily my curls. "That's good"

"Guys" Mr. Forsberg, one of the teachers accompanying us, stands in front of the bus and claps his hands. Within a very short time, the full attention is on him. "Please put all your things away, we'll be right at the airport now and we don't want to waste too much time." "Have you unpacked anything?" "No" we talk a bit about everything for the last few minutes until the bus finally arrives at the airport.

"Get out, but please one after the other, otherwise chaos will break out here" we wait until everyone in front of us has got out and then make our way outside. "Fortunately August isn't there" I nod. August didn't have to leave the school, despite the process that Sara had instigated, but as a punishment and until everything was over, he wasn't allowed to come anyway. Malin and the other bodyguard, I forgot his name, are waiting at the door for Wille. We walk out and literally within seconds, strangers are pointing at us and whispering. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but it's just exhausting.

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