Part 2 - Levi

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"Come" Wilhelm whispers in my ear. He puts an arm around me and follows with me between the two bodyguards the class. "Where are we going?" I ask after a while. I've been here two or three times, but somehow we don't go where you usually go when you want to fly. "To the private jet terminal" "Oh, okay" why could I have thought that? "You didn't know that, did you?" "No, not really" "But honestly, did you expect something else?" "If you're going, definitely not" I grin.

We're getting closer and closer to security. "Y'all know how it works" says Mr. Forsberg and let us through one after the other. Everyone is through and gathering faster than expected. "We'll fly for good four hours now, so please don't be too loud, there are students" he grins and points to himself. "And teachers who want to rest. All right?" "Yes" we sit down in the chic waiting area. I take my backpack off my shoulders and put it on the ground.

"Are you happy?" "Yeah, yeah, sort of" Wille smiles. "What pleases me the most is that you're here." He looks briefly at Malin, who has her back to us, and then kisses me on the cheek. I smile contentedly.  "Crown Prince" I wince and look questioningly at Wilhelm. He turns around confused and then grins. I turn around too, wanting to know why he's grinning like that.

Behind us stands a boy, a little older than us, wearing a blue suit and with a gym bag slung over his shoulder. "Levi" Wilhelm stands up and hugs him briefly. "Haven't seen you for a long time" "Yes, it's been a few years" now he looks at me and then questioningly at Wille. "Levi, this is Simon, my boyfriend" he says, smiling proudly. "Simon, this is Levi, I was in the same class with him for a while" "I'm glad" Levi holds out his hand. "Me too" I smile kindly. "Where are you going?" "I'm waiting for my father, he was in Paris for work the last few weeks" "Nice" Wilhelm is sitting next to me with Levi.

Levi seems really likeable and he was the first of Wille's family and his former friends who didn't mind that I was Wille's boyfriend. "And you? School trip?" "Student exchange" "With which school?" "Truham Grammer School for Boys and Harvey Greene Grammar School for Girls" "England, sounds fun" Wilhelm nods. I don't say anything and watch the two of them silently because I'm somehow afraid of say something wrong. "Guys, we have to go" again it's Mr. Forsberg who claps his hands, at least it's an effective method, I think with a grin. "Sorry, but you heard him" "Bye" Levi hugs Wille and then comes to me. "And have fun" he also hugs me briefly.

"Come on now" "Yeah, dont stress us" says Wilhelm quietly and we go with the others to a large gate. "What are we doing here?" I ask Wille softly. "Now we'll go out there and then get on the bus, or whatever's coming, to our plane" "If I didn't have you, I'd be really lost" "I know" he grins cheekily. I punch him lightly in the shoulder, at the same moment a door opens and we go out. There is a bus outside which we board. After a short drive across the runway, we have already arrived at our plane.

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