Part 18 - New boyfriend

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Pov Simon
We've been here for almost two weeks now and every time someone pulls up in front of the Nelsons' house, that person is targeted straight away. Every day there are new headlines about Wille and sometimes about me too, it's really getting on my nerves.

*Three days before
"How long have you had a new boyfriend?" "What do you mean?" I'm sitting next to Wille in Charlie's and mine room and look at my phone. "Look" he takes my phone and reads the newspaper article that I have opened with concentration. "Seriously?!" "Apparently so" I take my phone back. The headline reads:

The crown prince seems to have broken up with his boyfriend a long time ago

Below that, in addition to the text, you can also see pictures of Nick and Wille on all possible days and times, how they go in and out of the house together. One picture in particular stands out, it shows the two walking hand in hand into the house. It doesn't make me jealous at all because I was already in the house at the time and Wille pulled him in, because he knew thy are taking pictures again. "Take it positive, if we ever need good couple pictures, we just have to go outside" "Of course that's a huge advantage" he grins and kisses me briefly.

"Have you actually thought about it now?" "What?" "That thing with the speech" "Oh, that's what you mean" I lean back. "I still think it's a little bit weird" "Me too" "And to your question, I still don't really know" I hesitate. "I'd love to walk around with you in public holding hands and kissing you and stuff, but I'm also afraid it's going to get a lot worse." "The thing with the looks and stupid questions?" "Yes, exactly" I lay my head on his shoulder. "We manage it somehow, after all we fought for it" I look at him smiling from the side. "Thanks"
*Flashback ends here

Today, for the first time since we've been here, Wille and I are out and about without Nick and Charlie, which is nice sometimes. Sure, Malin and Oscar are always there, but we still have a little time together and we use it. We walk along a more remote piece of forest and just talk. From the speech in two weeks, to how the time will be after that, when we are both back in Sweden and so on. Wille suddenly looks around.

"Whats up?" he doesn't answer, just takes my hand and just keeps walking. I grin. All right Crown Prince. "By the way, I've thought about it again" "What?" "That about the speech and us" "And?" "Since it's one of the first things your mother said and I think it's good, we should do that" "Do you really want that?" "Yes" I smile. "Thanks, otherwise I would have had to spend hours arguing with my mother again" he kisses me. "Neither of us want that" "Absolutely not" he grins. "Crown Prince" Oscar comes over to us. "Simon" he looks at me briefly and then focuses on Wilhelm again.

"The Queen couldn't reach you, so she called me, anyway she would like a call with you and Simon to discuss the events of the last few weeks" he looks back at me now. "And she would also like to talk about the speech and your performance in two weeks" "I see, thank you" we watch him and then continue our conversation.

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