Part 15 - Rugby practice

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Pov Nick
Rugby practice, is there anything better? I actually love rugby and having Charlie there makes it all that much better. There's just one small problem, Harry. He's no longer in the team or training with us, but he still has friends on the team. Now to the problem, since he somehow noticed that Charlie and I are together, he must have told half the team and of course I'm not really happy about that. Charlie walks next to me, also a bit very unmotivated. "Can't we just skip it today?" "Why?" A very stupid question, I have to admit. "The others will surely make some stupid remarks" "Are you scared?" "I'm worried" he turns to me.

"About you! I've been through the whole thing and I'm also getting used to it, but you... you..." "Not me yet. And that's why you're worried about me now" "Yes, exactly that" "If someone makes a fool of me or you because our relationship, they get punched" "Fighting is not the solution" "You sound like my mother" I grin. "And hey, we'll even have bodyguards with us for the next four weeks, so if Wille and Simon always come, but I think they will." "And why are you so sure about that?" "Oh, Wille was really looking forward to watching us." "He won't miss any of the training sessions" he laughs.

I take a deep breath and open the door to the locker room. "Nicholas, Charlie" "Hey" "Hello" "Hey" "Hi" "How are you?" it comes from all directions as if nothing happend. The mood is generally a bit more relaxed since Harry is no longer there. "Hey" I briefly raise my hand and then go to my seat. While we are all changing, the atmosphere becomes more and more relaxed until we to talking about Wilhelm.

"The crown prince, what was his name again?" "Wilhelm" "Yes, exactly. He's really staying with you?" "Yes" "Why isn't he in a hotel like any normal crown prince would?" "No idea. Probably didn't feel like it" I grin. "But now something else. Have you seen his watch? That alone is worth half a fortune" "Yes, right?" "I thought so too" while I was watching the discussing, I quickly put my shirt on. "Guys" there's a knock on the door. "You have to come, training started ten minutes ago" "Fuck" I don't think I've ever seen everyone get changed as quickly as today.

Pov Simon
I stand next to Wille on the sports field and watch as most of them warm up. A few others have already started tossing the ball and tackling each other. Rugby looks really fun and exciting. "Would you play rugby?" "I?" "Yes? Who else?" "I don't really know. It's just kind of... brutal?" "Sort of. But that's what makes the whole thing fun, doesn't it?" "Yes" I laugh. "Come on!" Nick stands on the other side and waves us over. "What does he want?" "I have no clue" we go over to Nick, who is standing next to the trainer on the edge of the meadow.

When she sees who Nick meant specifically, she becomes visibly nervous. "Hey" Wille walks up to her and shakes her hand like its the most normal thing a crown prince could do. "Hello" she seems more 'normal' by the second. "We're mainly doing endurance training today. So if you have your sports gear here and want to take part, you can do that."

"This whole thing gives me a bit of flashbacks" says Wille out of breath. "What do you mean?" "Rowing team, abbreviation, Marcus" "That's right" I laugh. "Luckily Markus isn't with us today" "I'm so glad we got rid of him for the time being" "Me too" if I know something, then running and having a conversation at the same time isn't the best idea. "Hey" Charlie comes running from behind. "How fast are you?!" I call after him since he's already gone. "That's his 'I'll take it easy today' pace" now Nick comes from behind too, but a lot slower.

The next few days fly by. School in the morning, at noon and in the afternoon, always trying to find some free time with Wille in between and then falling into bed tired in the evening. Sometimes between school and tired fall into bed still rugby training that Wille does not want to miss and I actually like to watch or I call my mother. Sometimes we even have so much time that the four of us do something else. Now apart from all the people who want something from me or us, it's really fun, even the classes. And honestly, I would much rather stay here than have to go back to Sweden. It's just kind of easier here.

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