Part 23 - Royal stuff

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Pov Simon
Shortly before school, Oscar let Nick and Charlie out of the car because the two wanted to walk the last stretch together. He put me right back on the back seat because he thinks I should arrive reasonably and somehow a little bit elegantly. I don't really know what that has to do with sitting in the back, but if Oscar thinks it's better, then I'll do it too. The thing is, I don't know a clue about all that Royla stuff, so I'd rather just do what he tells me.

"Wait to get out later, I'll open the door for you" "Okay" slowly the nervousness increases more and more and I try to calm down by just concentrating on my breathing. The car stops and as Oscar gets out I look out the window. Outside there are a lot of people from the press who point their cameras at me. I touch my tie again. Oscar opens the door, I take another deep breath and then get out.

"Thanks" I smile at Oscar and walk to the house where Wille and everyone else is waiting. Oscar walks next to me, which he doesn't usually do, but there are so many people here who want something from me that he's close to me just to be safe. Questions like:

"Are the rumors true that you and the crown prince have broke up?"

come from all sides. Or they skip the question and go straight to the next one.

"Did you suffer a lot from the breakup?"

"Are you and the crown prince still on good terms?"

When we finally arrive at the house, the door is quickly opened and we go inside. Finally, rest. "You're expected" Malin leads me and Oscar into a classroom. The tables and chairs have all been moved to the edge to give you a bit more space. In the middle are Wille and his family. When he sees me, he smiles and comes to me.

"Hey" he takes my hand and kisses me. "Hey" I grin. "Hello" the Queen comes up to me and shakes my hand. "H... hello" I stutter. "Hello" his father is coming to me now too. "H... hello" I hope this stuttering will stop soon. Wille's phone rings and he looks at it. "What do you want?" he asks annoyed. "I just want to wish you the best of luck" because Wilhelm is standing so close to me, I understand every word and unfortunately also who is speaking. I suddenly stop smiling. He can't be serious.

"Mhm" says Wille skeptically and bites his fingernails again. If this continues, he'll have another panic attack. "Where is the but?" "But you should know that you are not a good crown prince and that you are only harming your family and the people." Wilhelm is becoming more and more restless. "Erik was much better, besides, he would hate you" August hangs up.

"Wilhelm, who was that?" "It... I... I..." he stutters and rubs his chest. "Wille?" I ask anxiously in the direction of Wilhelm. He turns and almost runs out of the room. I look at his mother, who is just as confused as his father and I. "I um... sorry" I point to the door and follow Wille.

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