Part 10 - Why is this all so difficult?

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After we ate and Malin brought my suitcase into the house, I called Simon. His voice is good for me, no question about it, but now I'm sitting on the bathroom floor and really realizing everything that happened. Why is this all so difficult? Why do I have to be crown prince? It would be easier if I was just 'normal'. Sure, there are problems then, too, but others, problems that I might be able to deal with better. I take the t-shirt that I actually wanted to wear and knead it. After a while I get up carefully and have to hold on because my legs feel weird. I go to the sink and splash a load of ice cold water on my face. I look at myself in the mirror. I look pretty exhausted.

Pov Simon
I lie awake in bed and stare at the ceiling. Was it wrong to tell Wille I don't want to be a secret? Somehow I have the feeling that being outed doesn't do him any good, but somehow it doesn't. I don't know what I can do to show him that it's also nice not having to hide anymore. The thing is, we're still not allowed to show ourselves in public, which is really annoying. If he were still a prince and not crown prince, it might be a little bit different, like holding hands in public, kissing and stuff like that. I quietly take my phone out of my pants, which are on the floor next to me, and type Wille.

S - Are you still awake?
W - Yeah, i can't sleep

The answer came quickly.

W - I miss you

I smile at the message for a few minutes.

W - Simon?  Are you still there?
S - Yes and I miss you too
W - Do you think there will be something in the newspaper tomorrow?
S - Because of today? I guess so
W - The headline is probably like this: Is Crown Prince Wilhelm stressed out with his boyfriend? Or even a new one?
S - That'll probably be it
I grin.
W - Sorry, but with a headline like that, I'll go out with you afterwards
S - If you go out to school with Nick tomorrow, that will certainly be misinterpreted
W - Probably
S - I hate people like that, people who present situations in such a way that it looks wrong. You know what I mean?
W - Yes, me too. Besides, they could leave it out of me, you've been in the headlines too many times and it's always because of me
S - You always have to keep in mind with such statements that it is also my decision to be with you
W - Yes, but still
S - Wille, please stop this
W - It's fine
S - I'm trying to sleep again
W - Good night sleep well
S - You too, eventually

I turn off my phone and put it back.

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