Part 26 - The morning with the boys

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Pov Simon
I slowly open my eyes. I grin as I realize where I am. We spent the whole game yesterday and afterwards trying to persuade Nick's mother, Charlie's parents and the Queen to let us all stay at Nick's place. At some point everyone was so annoyed that they allowed us to do it, which of course made us very happy.

I snuggle even more into Wille's arms and look over at Nick and Charlie. They're both still asleep, arm in arm. The two are really cute together, no question. Wille moves slowly. "Good morning" I turn my head so I can look him straight in the eyes. "Hey" he smiles sleepily and kisses me briefly. "Today is the last day" "I know" he hugs me.

"As far as I'm concerned, we could be here for another four weeks." "As far as I'm concerned" I smile. "Simon? Wille? Are you awake already?" I hear Charlie say. "Yes, we are" now Nick is slowly waking up too. "Morning" "Hi" I slowly sit up. "What are we actually doing today?" "We're going to a special and beautiful place" "Where?" "Let's not say" Nick and Charlie grin.

"Great" I let myself fall back onto the mattress. I kind of hate surprises. "Oh yes, it might rain today, so we really need to take our jackets with us" "Or at least umbrellas" "Exactly" we all get up and gather our outfits for today.

"Who goes first?" "We'll go, you can stay here" Wille puts an arm around me and pulls me, together with my clothes, towards the bathroom. It's not like we've mostly changed in the same room for the past few weeks. We go in and I lock the door.

"My hair is such a mess today" "Don't complain, look at mine" I stand next to him in the mirror. "You look really cute with that." He ruffles my hair with a grin. "Now they look even worse" "I don't think so" "Oh yes?"

I also really grab his hair, which of course he doesn't find that funny, nor do I. Our grabbing each other's hair turns into a small fight, which in turn results in someone knocking on the door because we were probably a little too loud. "Are you all right?" I hear Nick worried. "Yes everything allright"

Pov Nick
"What are you doing? And why is it so loud?" "That lovely idiot called crown prince Wilhelm ruined my hair" "That's completely different, he ruined mine, besides, you had a bird's nest on your head before" I listen to them, slightly amused, for a while and then go back to Charlie in my room.

I told him to change while I look after Wille and Simon. After all, I don't want him to feel uncomfortable. I open the door to my room and in front of me is...

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