[T W E N T Y - T W O]

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[Song recommendation: Lavender Haze --- Taylor Swift]

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[Song recommendation: Lavender Haze --- Taylor Swift]

[Warning: none]

[Chapter Twenty-Two]

"What are you working on?"

I didn't lift my head from the plastic square in front of me. "Hopefully the thing that will fix my leg."

"Fix your leg?" Aizawa echoed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Daisuke damaged my spinal cord during our battle," I muttered. "Which paralyzed my left leg. When I woke up, I couldn't feel it at all. I used to make Katsuki squeeze it just to see if I could feel the pressure. I couldn't. Physical Therapy didn't help much, but it did strengthen the muscles just enough so that I could stand and apply light pressure to it. But I still can't feel it half of the time. I can't walk without some kind of support."

"The damage was to your spinal cord," He said. "How do you expect to fix that?"

"There have been thousands of studies on paralysis and ways to reverse it," I said. "Electrical Stimulation; Transcutaneous electrical neuromuscular stimulation or TENS; NMES or neuromuscular electrical stimulation; HVGC, high voltage galvanic current; all of them use electrical impulses to stimulate the neurons to block pain receptors, increase joint mobility, and increase blood flow."

"So what are you trying to do?" He asked.

"I'm trying to further the studies already made. Specifically, I'm trying to alter BCI testing," I replied.


"Brain-Computer Interfaces. It basically takes the signals the brain gives when you try to move whatever is paralyzed and sends them to a computer that turns them into commands for the muscles using electrodes placed over the muscles," I explained.

I saw Aizawa sit forward in the corner of my eye. "You're trying to trick your paralysis?"

I lifted my head, my lips pulling into a grin. "Exactly."

His eyes flashed to the chip. "I'm guessing that has something to do with it?"

"This is only a prototype, but this is my hypothesis: This chip will be connected with a wireless connection to a computer system that will take the signals from the brain and alter them to think that the muscles aren't even paralyzed in the first place. All the while, there will be a high-voltage, but low-frequency electrical current that reaches into deep tissue. This will relieve any pain that could occur, while also improving blood flow and joint mobility."

Aizawa looked at me in surprise. "Do you think it'll work?" He asked after a moment, standing to follow me to my computer.

"I have no idea," I shrugged, placing the chip into my computer. "It's a fifty-fifty risk. It could either work, and cure some forms of paralysis, or it could be a complete bust and waste of time."

saudade [Bakugou K. X reader] [Book two]Where stories live. Discover now