Back To Work! - Chapter 10

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Lucy's POV
I wake up laying on top of Tim to Demi crying. I groan and crawl off Tim, I walk over into her nursery, I figure she's hungry so I grab her a bottle from the fridge and sit on the couch and feed her, I'm so exhausted because Demi was fussing all night, I have no clue how I'm going to get through today. Once Demi finishes eating I put her back to bed but I just get in the shower and fall asleep on the floor. I wake up to Tim shaking me.
"Luce are you ok?" He asks concerned.
"I'm fine." I huff and get out of the shower and get dressed. When Tamara arrives to babysit we go straight to work. I'm a bit nervous, pretty excited and tired. Very Tired. When we get into the station I get changed and then head over to my desk where there is a pile of cases sitting there I sit down and hit my head on the desk. I then hear Angela's voice.
"Oof I know that look Demi keep you up all night?" She asks. I just nod my head.
"Also look at my pile of cases!" I exclaim.
"Well I've got nothing to do I'll help you!" Angela offers.
"Also we can get Thorson's help." Angela adds.
"Yes! Thank you." I say to her.
"No problem!" Angela says as she gets up to get Aaron.

The day goes by pretty slowly and we only get about half of the cases done because I had to stop every few hours to pump. When shifts finished I get changed and head over to Tim's office and he's there filling out some paper work so I just lay down on his couch and fall asleep.

Tim's POV
When I finish my paperwork I look up at Lucy to see her sleeping on my couch, she must have been up with Demi all night. I check the time and it's only 7. I go to the locker room and get changed, I then go back to my office and lift her up and carry her through the station. I get her in the car and buckle her in the car and start to drive home. I notice her stirring around and then she shoots her head up, looks around and when she sees me she relaxes a bit.
"Woah calm down Luce." I tell her as I put my hand on her leg. She then just pushes my hand off annoyed.
"Why the hell would you do that? You know the shit I've been through." She snaps. Yeah I probably should have thought about that.
"I'm so sorry Luce, how about we stop and get some veggie burgers for dinner?" I ask to try and make it up to her. She just nods her head. When we get back home Lucy goes straight to sleep after eating. I feel so bad for her I should know better, I think I'm going to use that free babysitting Angela owes us to make it better.

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