Honeymoon! - Chapter 3

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Lucy's POV
Today is the day of my Honeymoon! I'm so excited that's why I'm awake at 6 AM. For our Honeymoon we are going to Paris. After I sit in bed for another 15 minutes thinking about Paris I get too impatient. I leap onto Tim.
"Come on wake up Tim!" I squeal.
"WHAT'S UP? IS THE BABY OK?" He panics. He's cute when he panics.
"No the bay's fine. But I'm not!" I say teasing him.
"Morning sickness?" My husband asks confused.
"No! I'm too excited for our honeymoon!" I complain.
"Mrs Bradford, you woke me up for that? What's the time?" Tim questions me.
"Like 6:15.." I say with a cheeky grin. He just groans in response. He pulls me off him and starts to hug me tightly.
"HEY! LET ME GO!" I giggle like a child.
"Nope, your staying right there until 7 when my alarm goes off. He then closes his eyes and pretends to sleep. Cute.
"No!" I refuse. I then wiggle my way out from his arms and pull him up.
"Come on! We need to leave in two hours anyway!" I tell him.
"Ugh! Fine." He smiles and then kisses me.

Tim's POV

About 14 hours later we finally arrive at Paris, It's currently 5 AM due to time zones. 
"Hello Paris!" I announces as we step off the plane and onto the stairs. Once we get inside we stop at the baggage reclaim.
"I noticed you got lots of sleep on the plane." I tell her as I pull out my phone and show her the hundred photos I took of her sleeping on me. She just blushes in response and then sees our bag.
"Tim! Our bags!" She says pointing to it. I grab them for us. 
"Do you want to take some pictures so we can let our friends know they haven't lost the two best cops?" I ask her smiling. 
"Yes!" She excitedly says. We take a few pictures and then Lucy heads for the bathroom. So I take this as an opportunity to send the pictures of her sleeping as well as the ones we just took.

The Realest Fake Family

Tim- We have landed in Paris! Also look at this cutie asleep on the plane. *I send the pictures.* Lucy then exits the bathroom and opens her phone.
Lucy- Tim I hate you and I would right now slap you but we are in the middle of the airport.
Tim- Sorry.
Tamara- LMAO!
Grey- Tamara what does 'LMAO' Mean?
Angela- Adorable, now I wish Wesley and I had a Honeymoon.
Nyla- Damn, was kinda hoping Bradford would die so I would be the best cop at the station.
Tim- *Replying to Harper.* Well even if I died my legacy will be passed onto Lucy technically because I trained her and she's my wife, and then our kid because we are raising a cop family FULL STOP.
Tamara- *Replying to Grey." Uhm, It means Laughing my ass off. TIM DON'T MAKE ME PAY THE SWEAR JAR GREY ASKED ME TO SAY IT!
Grey- LMAO!

After a while they checked into their hotel and got settled in.
"Can we go see the Eiffel tower yet?" Lucy complained to me. 
"Ok because trust me I know, Happy wife means happy life." I joke. We then leave the hotel and head down to the tourist attraction and see it as well as take some photos.

After a very short two weeks we going home. While we were in Paris we went to loads of museums, Disney land and more tourist attractions. We pack up our stuff and head to the airport. We board the plane and get to our seats luckily we have the whole row to ourselves.. We are both very tired so we both fall asleep. Lucy laying down with her head on my legs and me just upright against the window. After a long flight we are about to land so I shake Lucy gently to wake her. 
"Luce we are back home, you have sit up and buckle in for landing." I say with a smile.
"Yay!" She says as she sits up and buckle in. 40 minutes later we are leaving the airport, we find my car and start to drive home. We get home and Lucy immediately runs in to find Tamara and Kojo cuddling on our couch waiting for us to get back. We asked Tamara to look after Kojo so she's been staying here. Lucy gives Kojo pats as I take our suitcases to our room and go back to find Kojo. I give him hugs as well and we start telling Tamara all about our trip.

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