Baby No #2 - Chapter 20

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This part is a month and a half later

Tim's POV
"Tim!" I hear Lucy yell from the bathroom in the morning. I bolt into the bathroom and see her standing there.
"Do we need to go to the hospital?" I ask quickly.
"No, I just wanted to ask for some more clothes." She shrugs with a shy smile.
"Of course just take it you don't have to ask." I assure her.
"Tim when is this damn kid coming out of me?" She complains since she's two weeks over due.
"I don't know gorgeous but soon hopefully." I assure her.
"Ugh." She grumbles and tries to storm off but waddles cutely, I follow her and we end up on the couch cuddling.

Lucy's POV
2 weeks later.
I wake up to sharp pains in my stomach. About damn time. I notice my waters broken too, I check the time 1 AM. I roll my eyes and start to shake Tim awake.
"Tim, we need to gooo." I complain.
"I'm up let's go." He says. He bounces from the bed going into dad mode.
"Calm down." I tell him as he rushes to wake up Tamara. I quickly change then sit back on the bed. After a second Tamara appears in our room panicking.
"Girl you need to chill the fuck out I'm the one in labor and I'm a cool cucumber." I shrug as I slip my slippers on shrugging.
"I feel like you shouldn't be this calm." Tim says helping me walk out the door as Tamara gets our bags in the car. The drive to the hospital sucks because of contractions but I'm still calm. We arrive and Tim rushes me in.
"Tim why the hell are you so frantic?" I ask him screwing up my face.
"Lucy your about to give damn birth how are you so fucking calm?" He asks me as we get into the lobby.
"Because I'm zen." I smile. Tim gets me a doctor and we go to a room. After I get checked over they leave and say they will come back soon to check again.
"Tim." I complain.
"Yes gorgeous?" He asks.
"Imagine I pop out twins!" I giggle.
"No. Just no." He shakes his head with a smile. "How about we pick names." He tells me.

We talk about names until I have to start pushing. A few painful hours later I give birth to a handsome baby boy. Tim and I are now alone cuddling the new baby with love.
"He's going to play football." Tim states.
"You think he will be a big boy like his dad so he can look after his sister?" I ask.
"Yes, he's going to scare of all the guys so she won't be able to date till she's 30." Tim says smiling.
"Ok, we need a name for this little guy." I tell Tim.
"You can name him." Tim suggest but I feel bad.
"No! I named Demi, this is your mini you you should name him." I assure Tim.
"Yeah but you were the one who was in labor for 5 hours." Tim tells me.
"Fine, we will name him together." I suggest knowing neither of us will budge.
"Deal." Tim nods.
"I like the name Oliver." I tell Tim.
"Ok, well I like Mason so how about Oliver Mason Bradford?" Tim asks with a smile.
"Yes!" I agree instantly.
"Would you like to see our friends now? I know Tamara, Demi, Angela, John, Bailey and Wade are here, Then the rest of our friends will come by later." Tim tells me.
"Yes please. Can you get Demi and Tamara first?" I ask, Tim nods gives Ollie and I a kiss and walks off to get them.

Tim's POV
I head into the waiting room where our friends are waiting.
"Tim!" Angela squeals when she notices me.
"Hey! Thanks for coming out this early, Luce wants the baby to meet their sisters first then in a bit meet the rest of their family." I tell them.
"No problem, But you really aren't going to tell us the gender?" Grey begs.
"Fine I'll tell you something.." I say stirring the pot.
"What?" Bailey asks on the edge of her seat excited.
"It's either a mini me or Lucy." I shrug with a smirk.
"SCREW YOU TIM!" Angela huffs. I laugh and get in front of Demi whose asleep on Tamara's lap.
"Dem." I say shaking her lightly.
"Daddy! Baby here?" She asks.
"Yes, come on!" I tell her lifting her. The three of us head to the room and then I let Demi run to Lucy.
"Meet Oliver Mason Bradford, your little brother." Lucy says with a smile to the girls.
"A BROTHER!" Demi smiles jumping up and down.
"Hey Luce." Tamara says heading over and hugging Lucy. "Where you a cool cucumber the whole time?" Tamara adds smirking.
"Absolutely not." Lucy says smiling. I love that smile.

After about 20 minutes I go to get our friends.
"Can we finally meet the kiddo?" Angela jumps up and down.
"Yes, come on also your acting like it's your child." I say smiling at her goofy smile.
"Well I mean it's my godchild so whatever!" She says as we all start to go to the room. When the group walks in Demi jumps around happily.
"It's a boy!" She says as she jumps around.
"YES! YES YES YES JACKS GOT A FRIEND!" Angela carries on like a crazy person.
"Angela calm the fuck down before I never let Jack meet him." Lucy snaps scaring everyone except me.
"That's my girl." I say proudly.
"Mumford's scary." Tamara giggles.
"No shit." Lucy smiles innocently. "Tim want to tell them the name?" She asks me after a second.
"Oh yeah! Everyone welcome the newest Boot of the Mid-Wilshire station badge number 150723 Oliver Mason Bradford!" I announce.
"Awe! I love his name." Grey says with a smile.
"Tim are you going to announce all your kids like that?" Angela asks as she washes her hands so she can hold the Baby.
"No because I'm not having another kid." Lucy protest. We never talked about how many kids we will have but she's the one who has to carry them so I don't mind in the end.
"I dunno you and Tim are stupid." Tamara shrugs.
"TAMARA DON'T YOU DARE!" I tell her.
"Don't you dare what?" Nolan asks.
"Oh they don't want me exposing how many times I've walked in, at this point I need a church in the garden so I can easily get holey water." Tamara smiles looking at me.
"Tim, I'm not getting out of this bed so you need to take her phone." Lucy tells me. I immediately charge at Tamara who gets up and runs behind our friends.
"Alright lover boy, how about we calm down and you let me hold your son." Angela suggests.
"Fine, Tamara watch it." I warn.

A/N And random ending bcs I'm lazy! Anywayyyy for the badge number I did it his "Birthday" but really it's just the date of when I wrote it but I thought it was  a cute detail!

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