Forgive me? - Chapter 13

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Lucy's POV
When I wake up in the hospital I'm confused but then in comes Grace.
"Hi nice to see you awake, we are going to keep you for a little longer just to make sure you don't react to the medication we gave you." Grace tells me. 
"Ok, can I see Angela and Tim?" I ask.
"Of course I'll go get them." She says with a smile as she walks out. I'm pretty annoyed at Tim still but I want to at least tell his clueless ass what happened.

Tim's POV
Just as I walk back into the waiting room with two bags of presents I see Grace wave me over.
"Is she ok?" I ask.
"Yep, we will keep her in maybe another two or three hours just to keep an eye on her, she's in room 53 she asked to see you two." Grace tells Angela and I. I nod and we start walking towards her room.
"Two bags?" Angela asks with a smirk.
"Well if you were in my position you would be doing the same." I tell her with a glare. We make it to her room and as soon as I open the door her head shoots up.
"Hey Angela!" She says with a smile and then looks at me with a slight smile.
"Hey, I'm glad your good but I should get home to baby Jack and you guys clearly need to talk, Luce if you need anything just text me." Angela says as she hugs Lucy and leaves.
"I'm so fucking sorry Lucy." I tell her straight away. "I was so caught up in Demi's first words that I didn't stop to think. It's not an excuse so also to show how sorry I am I got you some stuff." I tell her as I lift the bags up to show her.
"Some stuff?!" She jokes with a smile. 
"Yeah, maybe I went over board but I love you so much and Angela said 'If I were you I'd be getting ready for a divorce.' and I can't loose you." I say as I sit down in the chair next to her.
"I'm not going to divorce you dumbass! I'm just a little annoyed you didn't remember. Also it really upset me that Demi said her first word today of all days." She says with tears in her eye.
"I will never forget again, But also it's good Demi said her first words today, it means instead of today being the anniversary of your abduction it's now the day where Demi said her first word." I say trying to get her to look at it from another point of view.
"I guess your right." She says with a slight smile.
"So.. do you forgive me?" I ask with pleading eyes.
"Yes I forgive you now get up here and hug me because It's the least you can do for making me pass out and landing me in hospital on the day where we were supposed to relax." She jokes as she grabs my arm to get me in her bed.
"So do you want your presents?" I ask pointing to the two bag.
"Hell yes!" She says with a huge grin. I hand her the bags and she opens up and takes her time looking at each of the gifts. After about two and a half hours Grace comes to Lucy's room.
"Alright you guys are free to go! If she does end up reacting to the medication or anything just come back." Grace tells us.
"Yay! Thanks Grace." Lucy says with a smile.
"Anything for you guys!" Grace says with a smile and then leaves the room. I help Lucy up and help her take her stuff outside where Angela is waiting to pick us up.
"Hey Love birds! You guys sort it out or are you getting divorced?" Angela asks half joking.
"Sorted it out!" Lucy says with a smile as I help her in the car.
"Aww you guys are cute!" Angela teases. Angela takes us to her and then I drive my truck back home, when we get home we go straight to bed and cuddle.

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