It's Too Much! - Chapter 7

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Lucy's POV
It's been about 2 weeks since Jasper was taken back to prison. He turned out to her escaped from the medium security so he got sent to maximum security. I took some time off after it happened because Tim told me I should, plus I'm not complaining that I got to laze around all day for two weeks. As Tim wakes up he pulls me into a closer hug and rests his hands on my large baby bump. 
"I don't want you to go to work, I don't want to worry." He complains. 
"I'll be fine plus Angela, Nyla and Aaron will do all the foot work I just get to sit at my desk." I slightly complain. 
"Good, It really sucks you can't take maternity leave for another two weeks." Tim says giving me a kiss.
"I dunno, I love this job so much so I might keep riding the desk until I have to go on leave. Now help me up I have to get ready for work." I demand Tim. He gets out of head and helps me up. I get in the shower and start to get dressed but my clothes don't fit me.
"TIM!" I scream. He rushes into the bathroom.
"What is it?" He asks concerned.
"Get me some of your clothes mine don't fit." I demand him. He just nods and goes to get an LAPD T-shirt and some of his jeans that now fit me because of my baby bump.
"At least when you get to the station you won't have to change." Tim suggests.
"Good, you will have to tell Grey I'm wearing this today because It's not like I'll leave the station or anything. Plus it's too hard to get changed and my uniform doesn't fit, and if he has an issue with what I'm wearing tell him to say I can't wear it to my face and I'll complain to him and then start crying." I rant with a smile. 
"That's my girl." Tim says with pride.

We head into the station and the two other detectives and Aaron run over to me.
"Hey Mama!" Nyla says with a grin.
"Love the outfit Lucy." Aaron teases. 
"Shut it Thorson." Tim barks.
"Be nice." I say as I look up at Tim with a pout. "Say sorry." I tell my husband with a look he can't say no to just to prove to our friends he's gone soft. He rolls his eyes. I slap his head for rolling his eyes at me.
"Sorry Thorson." Tim says coldly.
"Lucy you made Bradford go soft!" Angela cries with a smile.
"Well since he got me pregnant he can't say no to me including him almost not letting me come to work today." I tease. Tim is about to roll his eyes again but stops because he doesn't want to get slapped again.
"Alright I need to get to work and so do you lot, You three better take care of her." Tim says staring at Angela, Nyla and Aaron.
"We will take extra special care of your precious wife." Nyla teases.
"What ever even if she gets a paper cut call me." Tim says as he walks away, I watch and I feel my smile turn to a small frown.
"Alright come one, we have a surprise at your desk!" Angela says with a smile. I follow after my friends and approach my desk that has food all over it, some case files and a foot rest and pillows.
"Haven?" I joke as I sit down.
"Also one of us will always be with you incase you need something." Nyla adds.
"Thank you guys!" I say as my eyes well up with happiness tears.
"Are you almost crying?" Aaron asks.
"No.. I am." I say as a tear falls from my eye, I don't know why but I just shrug it of as my hormones. Angela points to the boxes of tissues that sat on my desk.
"When I was pregnant with Jack I couldn't stop crying to I figured I'd stock up if you needed them." Angela tells me.
"Thank you, now let's get to work." I say to them.

Tim's POV
The times about 5 PM so shift ends in two hours, I'm out with metro doing some mandatory training run by me when I get a phone call from Angela.
"Guy's take a break I have to take this." I tell my team as I quickly leaves the room and pick up the call.
"Is Lucy ok?" I ask concerned.
"Uh, sort of. Her hormones are hitting hard, It's hard to explain but are you at the station she needs your comfort because you have this weird shit where you can fix her with the snap of your fingers." Angela explains.
"No I'm at a mandatory training thing with metro. Tell her I'll be there in about 10 minutes." I tell Angela to pass onto Lucy as I hang up the call, I go back inside.
"Alright a family emergency came up and I have to go, we will finish this tomorrow." I tell the group, they look slightly happy but slightly annoyed that we have to finish it another time.
"By family emergency do you mean your hot old boot or "wife" needs you to brush her hair as she cries about a random dude named Jasper." Spoke up one of the annoyed metro guys.
"Excuse me?" I bark at him as I step closer to him.
"You heard me, I saw you two the other week as you held as she cried because she wanted attention." The officer says with a smirk. This asshole.

TW rape and abduction.
"Ok well for first off I watched you run off after Angela gave you the smallest look, also she wasn't crying for attention. That Jasper guy abducted her and raped her a year or two ago and he had escaped prison and was threatening her and our family. Also we weren't hugging for the hell of it she was having a panic attack and couldn't breathe so she doesn't deserve all this shit your saying about her and if I were you I'd shut the fuck up before I get you fired." 


I yell at the metro guys face. I quickly turn and walk out of the room and hear some other metro officers laughing at the officer who had just had a go at Lucy. I rush over to the station, and run over to Lucy desk where her head is on her desk and it sounds like she's crying.
"Where the hell were you? I tried your wizard shit I've seen you do before and it didn't work she just pushed me away." Angela says to me as I gets to my knees.
"That's because your not me." I tell Angela with a smirk.
"Tim?" Lucy asks as she picks her head up off her desk.
"Hey Luce I'm here now sorry I took a long time a metro guy had a go at you so I had a go right back at him." I tell her as I wipe her tears with a tissue.
"Oh." She says more saddened knowing people were talking bad about her.
"It's ok that's the only person who talks bad about you, now can you tell me what happened?" I ask her in my soft tone.
"I don't know it's just all too much, people keep looking at me. I can't do anything. I feel useless and then I didn't get to you all day." She some new tears fall from her face.
"Alright, well I'm here now, who gives a shit if people are looking at you because your so pretty, also your not useless you sitting her making life that's way more then any of the others are doing right now." I say to comfort her. She let's a small smile show.
"I literally told her the same thing and I got pushed." Angela huffed which makes Lucy laugh a bit.
"Well you didn't call me pretty and your not my husband." She says with a cute smile.
"How about we get you home and binge some shows or movies or anything you want." I suggest.
"Yes!" She says with a huge smile.
"Women confuse me." I say as I get up off the ground and help her up out of her chair.
"Bye Angela, thanks for looking after me and I'm so sorry for pushing you." Lucy apologises as she give Angela a hug.
"It's fine, stay safe!" Angela calls out after us. I help Lucy slowly waddle to the car and then help her in and drive her home, but I stop at the shops to buy her some Ice-Cream. When we get home I help Lucy out of the truck and over to the couch where we settle in for the night.

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