Baby on the way! - Chapter 16

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Tw in this chapter there's mention of vomit.

Lucy's POV
I sat down in my seat and watch as Tim walks off. When I was in the bathroom I vomited. I still feel a bit sick so I groan and open my case file to start getting to work.
"Lucy can I ask a question without you getting mad at me again?" Angela asks me cautiously.
"Sure." I respond looking up from my case file.
"Why did you have to go find Tim so urgently?" She asks.
"I'll tell you but not here. C'mon." I tell her waving for her to follow me. We walk outside I'm thankful for the excuse to be outside in the fresh air.
When we get outside we sit on a seat that's far enough away for us to talk privately.
"Uhm so something happened last night." I say carefully. "So recently I had been thinking about you know cutting again.. and then yesterday someone got shot and that almost pushed me over but I held it together and then I dropped a plate and uhm.. Yeah." I say as I look down at my feet.
"Oh, I'm sorry Luce." She says. 
"Yeah, and then Tim came in and stopped me. Oh and then he started crying too so now I have pictures. But he told me to tell him if I was ever even thinking about self-harm." I continue to tell Angela.
"Alright I get your sharing shit with me but can I please see the pictures of Tim crying? I've never really seen him cry." Angela says. I grab my phone and flip it to show her my lock screen. She giggles at it.
"Who would even think he could cry?" Angela laughs.
"Me, he does basically whenever I do." I say with a smile. "Anyways, after I snapped at you I started to over think everything and I really thought you hated me, so I tried to find Tim, Couldn't so I found Nolan and he got Tim for me." I add.
"Just know I could truly never hate you." Angela tells me.
"Thanks, Ange. Same. But that's not even the confusing part." I tell her.
"THAT'S NOT THE CONFUSING PART?!" Angela exclaims.
"No, after Tim helped me, I went to the locker room to fix my make up and I vomited. I don't know why." I say confused still wondering what it could have made me sick.
"Oh. My. God!" Angela says spacing out the words.
"Oh my god what?" I ask confused.

Angela's POV
Just as Lucy told me she had puked I knew exactly what it could be. She's pregnant again.
"Ok, Vomiting, tired, snappy, emotional... c'mon your a detective! Lucy your fucking pregnant." I exclaim.
"Fuck." Is all she spits out.
"I don't want to be pregnant again. I can't I've just started to get my shit together." Lucy rants.
"Ok well calm down there's one way to settle this, tonight Tim has to stay back so I will bring over some tests for you." I tell her.
"Thank you so much this means lots to me." She says as she hugs me. I'm not really a hugged but I let her because we are close friends.
"Ok we need to get back to work before Tim notices your gone and has a heart attack." I joke.
"Yeah probably. He might even start to cry." Lucy jokes as she shows her lock screen again and mimics his face.

Lucy's POV
After work I head straight home, After about 20 minutes Angela comes over with the tests.
"Now where's my goddaughter while you take them?" Angela asks instantly.
"In her room." I tell her. I go into my bathroom and take the test, wash my hands and place it on the kitchen bench. Angela walks out with Demi in her arms.
"We have to wait 10 minutes" I tell her as we walk over to the couch and sit down.
After a few minutes I hear the front door open.
"Luce! I'm home." Tim calls.
"Uh! Hey!" I say awkwardly as we run over to the kitchen but we were too slow.
"LUCY." He asks sternly as he grabs the test.
"Uh.." I giggle awkwardly.
"Hey Tim!" Angela laughs shyly.
"So you didn't want to tell me my wife could be pregnant. I'm guessing you brought the test too." He says to Angela whose still holding Demi.
"Uh I mean I was just helping!" Angela smiles.
"Lucy! You should have told me! You can't go around and do stuff behind my back!" He snaps at me.
"I know, I know, I know. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I panic sliding to the ground and covering my ears.

Tim's POV
I get to my knees in front of her. What the hell is happening I've never seen her do this before so I feel so bad.
"I'm going to take Demi to see Jack, text me when you have the results and want her home." Angela says grabbing her stuff and leaving.
"Luce what are you doing?" I ask her looking at her head on her knees and her hand on her head as her fingers play with her hair.
"Go on, yell. I'm still listening." She tells me as she sniffles.
"I'm not going to yell at you baby." I tell her pulling her hands off her ears.
"Those assholes."  Is all she says as she quickly wipes her tears.
"What? Who I'll end them." I tell her.
"My parents. They used to yell at me lots so I started doing that. Now they have made me think that if someone's mad they will yell." She tells me.
"Luce I think you should go back to therapy." I suggest. She suddenly gets up looks at the test and chucks it to me.
"Congrats, your going to have two kids with a broken girl." She scoffs and walks off and slams our door. I feel so bad.

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