Trauma. - Chapter 12

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A/N This story takes place about 3 months after the last chapter, Also Demi is about a year old.

Lucy's POV

Today marks the day I was abducted 2 years ago. The abduction I'm referring to is Jasper. I can't believe I have to confirm which abduction it was. I'm just laying in bed when I hear Demi coo. I jump out of bed and go to Demi's nursery. She sees me and coos more and reaches for me.
"Hi Dem!" I say with a smile as I reach into her crib and hug her.
"Tonight your going to spend the night at Auntie Tamara's." I tell her, I don't expect a reaction but I hear her coo more.
"Ma!" She says while smiling.
"OMG! Demi say Mama! Ma-Ma!" I encourage Demi.
"Mama." Demi says with a cheeky grin. Yes! Her first word was Mama! This makes me much happier about today, but it also annoys me that she said her first word on the anniversary of my second abduction. I grab Demi and run into Tim and I's room.
"Tim! Demi said 'mama' get up!" I yell at Tim as Demi giggles.
"She what?" Tim asks confused as he wakes up.
"Demi can you say it again? Mama." I ask her.
"Mama!" She says as she points to me. I give her a big hug making her giggle lots.
"Dem! Your a smart girl aren't you! Can you say it one more time so we can record it?" I say as I grab my phone and start recording.
"Mama!" Demi says again as Tim holds her and cuddles her.
"Aww your such a good girl Demi!" I say as I get into bed and give her a kiss. I then open the group chat with our friends.

The Best Cops In LA And The Best Puppy.

Lucy- She's got some smart genes I'll tell you that much! *sends the video as well.*
Angela- Dude! How is she saying Mama? Jack didn't say it will he was 1 year and 4 months, she's like 1 year and a month.
Nyla- She's so smart what the hell! Are you sure she didn't get switched in the hospital or is she only got Lucy in her.. Wait Lucy is there something you aren't telling us?
Tamara-Aww! Can't wait to have her over today!
Tim- *Replying to Nyla.* Rude, not my fault my daughters smart.

After texting our friends for a bit we get ready and drive Demi over to Tamara's new house and head into work. The day goes by pretty fast because it's busy and I'm thankful for that because it doesn't give me much time to think about Jasper. After shift I wait by the truck on high alert. Tim comes out a bit later and drives us home, It's honestly weird that he hasn't said anything about Jasper because last year he refused to let me go to work. We arrive home at about 8, on our way home we picked up some sushi and now we were sitting at the dining table and eating.
"So how was shift?" I ask Tim.
"Yeah it was fine we went out on an op to get back a woman who go abducted." Tim says, he keeps talking but I zone out. What if this is connected to my abduction? Is Tim really so stupid he forgot that today is the anniversary of my abduction and now he just goes head and talks about abduction in front of me, usually I would have been fine, not today it's too much. I get up and leave.  I hear Tim asking me where I'm going but I don't answer I just leave. I start to run to Angela's naturally, I feel safe with her and she knows what today is because she kept a close eye on me and told me if I needed to talk I could go to her. 

Angela's POV
As Wesley, Jack and I eat our dinner I hear a knock at our door.
"I'll get it." I offer as I get up and head to the door. I open it to see Lucy crying.
"Lucy? Are you ok what happened?" I ask confused because Tim would have helped her way better then I would be able to.
"Tim.." Is all she spat out.
"That asshole. Quick come in." I tell her and pull her by her hand. I close the door and pull her into a hug. Once she had calmed down we were sitting on my couch, Wesley had taken Jack out to get some dessert and bring home Ice-Cream so Lucy and I could talk freely.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" I ask her in my soft voice.
"Tim didn't notice it was the anniversary of Jasper's abduction and then he went on and talked about an op about a woman who got abducted." She says as her eyes get wet again.
"What the fuck. Him of all people should remember." I say. Suddenly my phone chimes, I click the message and Tim and I's messages open up.

Tim <3

Tim- Have you seen Lucy?
Angela- Yes, she's here. She told me what you did your an actual asshole.
Tim- What did I do? I have no clue!

I just leave him on opened. About 3 minutes later there's a knock on the door. Lucy follows me I look through the peep hole in the door and see Tim.
"It's Tim." I tell Lucy. Then he bangs on the door.
"ANGELA! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR I KNOW YOUR HERE YOUR CARS HERE." Tim yells. I look at Lucy who shakes her head as she cries and drops to the floor.
"FUCK OFF TIM SHE DOESN'T WANT TO SEE YOU." I yell back as I drop to the ground. He bangs on the door again making Lucy's breathing get heavier and faster.
"Tim stop your scaring her." I yell back.
"What?" He asks. Just then Lucy's head droops over and I catch her head.
"Shit!" I yell. She's passed out.
"We will be out in a minute let me get my keys and wallet." I say back. I lay Lucy on the ground and run to put on shoes and grab my stuff. I lift Lucy up and open my door to see Tim's shocked face.
"What happened?" He asks mad.
"You fucking happened, Help me get her in the car." I demand. Tim helps me put her in the car. I sit in the back with her to make sure she doesn't stop breathing but she just seems to have passed out. When we get to the hospital I hand her off to the doctors and they take her in to run tests and to get her conscious again.

Tim's POV 
I sit down next to Angela in the waiting room of the hospital.
"What the hell did I do?" I ask her. Angela turns to me and looks at me with sad eyes.
"It's the anniversary of her abduction, Jasper's abduction and then you went off and started talking about abductions and then she came over and then when you bashed on the door it clearly triggered her or something because she started to have a panic attack and then she passed out. I told you to fuck off, she was fine with me. This is because of you, I'd be getting ready for a divorce if I was you." Angela says. SHIT. I completely forgot I was so wrapped up in Demi's first words that it slipped my mind.
"Fuck I completely forgot. It's just that she's been doing so well and then Demi's first words." I say. I feel so horrible.
"I think you should go get some presents and stuff for her." Angela suggests.
"Yeah I'm going to. Can you call me when she wakes up or is cleared or something?" I ask as I get up. Angela just nods. 

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