Lovers in bloom

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Writer's POV:

I won't give any character description, there will be entry of characters time to time with their description. So directly starting the story.....


When they came together after their erotic session, KS was still on HM's lap, who was in a sitting position, their cores were almost touching & their sweaty bodies still collided with one another & HM gripped her shoulder so tightly that it was even becoming difficult to breathe. HM's head was above her chest in such a way that KS was feeling HM's rugged, shallow breath over her skin.
It was 4am in the morning after their first night together. They slept for a few hours in between though.

KS tried to move but HM didn't let her & said,

"please let me be like this, holding you for a few more minutes, I'm processing the whole thing"

Who would deny such a gentle & polite person? KS was madly in love with this person in front of her. She tried to kiss her but this time also HM didn't let her do so, she was just holding KS so tightly like her life depends on her. KS somehow had a feeling that HM wouldn't like scissors, when HM proposed about it yesterday; saying one of her friends had suggested that posture & she wants to try it & come together.

HM moved finally breaking her thoughts, she apparelled KS the white tank-top she wore yesterday & then wore her own white, round neck, half sleeve t-shirt; then laid down on bed. KS laid beside her but turned to the opposite side, HM put her mouth near her right earlobe asking,

"Would you be my little spoon & let me hold you?"
KS said, "who on earth would refuse such words of warmth?"

Karishma's POV:

Why is she treating me like I'm some rose petal, who would just crash if not handled softly? After all I'm #Karak_karishma ! My work is to crash people's heads, not to fall into pieces or be numb after some good sex! Though it felt like Hasee had undergone some earth shuddering orgasm, but then why is she so silent? She was holding me from behind, her chin was resting over my shoulder, her right hand was on my chest, over my heart & her right leg was above my legs; like l would run away from her if she wouldn't trap me like this! I didn't know she liked physical fondness so much, as she had never shown it by any of her gestures. She's not very expressive though, but however she is, I love her! I love her to such an extent which I never thought I would ever be able to do!

Finally she asked, "How was it?"
I said, "Thrilled! How was it for my baby?"

She said, "For me......??, It was earth shuddering! I had such a spasm run throughout my body! It was intense! But.... It was not the way I thought it would be!"
She finally confessed. Then she asked,

"Karishma, would you please turn around & look into my eyes, I wanna say something "

When I turned, I got lost on her lips, then on her brown eyes. She said,
"Karishma, it was good but it felt way too physical, we were at such distance, when we came. 'Making love' was never a physical thing for me, it's too emotional or I'm too old fashioned but whatever, I like my partner to be with me, when we release; like the skin to skin contact between us to such extent that air may not pass between us & I would be able to feel her every heartbeat passing through my skin & she would be able to hear her name in my heartbeats & our hearts just merge into one so that, we can hear our synchronized rhythmic heart beats & tangled breathing. Your grunting may consume me & whatever remains in me, remains yours only.
I love you... a lot Karishma, & I want to dedicate my whole self to you & you only"

She then intertwined her right hand with my left, kissed it & pulled my hand towards her heart & said, "Can You feel it Karu, it takes only your name. I know I'm a beginner in all these, but it feels like, what I feel when we make love, it's something very sacred!
So I don't wanna ruin my sacred love & respect towards you by being ridiculously physical. That's why I collided with you for that 30 seconds, cause it had made me feel like we are one, it had made me feel those things which I was unable to feel while scissoring"

All those words that came out of her mouth were reflecting through her eyes too, she is so truthful! Oh God! I'm just falling harder for this person every passing second. Lucky to be her companion, her wife! & I took a mental note of her wishes. Dabang karishma is actually stupid, that from this Angel she sometimes longs to become erotic with her, but after this confession of Hasee, I'll never think like that.

I tried to light her mood by saying, "Darling it was not 30 seconds, it was over 5minutes & did you just call me karu?"
She nodded her head as a 'yes'. I kissed her forehead & said "Look into my eyes Hasee; I never classify you as a beginner or pro, I consider you as my wife; that one person in this whole world, with whom I would like to pass all of my 7 lives if the concept of reincarnation is real! You treat me with so much love, care & affection, it scares me, Jaan! It makes me rethink if you're more necessary for me than oxygen.
Now let's get up & have some coffee!"

HM said, "Nope, it's only 4:30am, let's sleep some more, tomorrow is our holiday so you can have a good sleep." Touching my forehead with care she said, "You don't take much rest Karu, it'll ruin your health! & Btw, I treat you like a flower because you are, you are not only one flower but my whole Spring! Okay? Now I won't disturb you any more by my words, please sleep some more"

After her confession, I became so greedy to be tangled with her like she was previously, i asked her to hold me, we were facing each other, feeling each other's breath, merely a few inches gap in between, she kissed my forehead, & then gave a small peck on my lips & closed her eyes.


That's all for today. If you liked it, please like & comment & if you have any suggestions feel free to share

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