The sundering of their small world

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Writer's POV:

Dr. PJ: That means, both the murders are done by the same person, who's removing particularly those body parts from these surgeons in which they are specialized.

KS: But how can anyone be an expert in all the surgeries.

Dr. PJ: He/She may not be an expert. Maybe an MBBS doctor who's familiar with all these surgeries but not an expert.

CC: So the killer & those who do the facial disfiguration are different.

SS: Yes, every time the killer had hired different people for body disposal & facial disfiguration.

Dr. PJ: Yes. It seems that the disfigurement was done with the help of a heavy brick or any rock.

KS: The time when the uterus was removed , was she alive or dead?

Dr. PJ: Don't know yet. For that I have to do blood tests, which will take time.

ACP: So Karishma, as you're going to Mumbai, you'll investigate her workplace, & meet her family. I have faith that you'll find the clue. You can take CC with you for help.

KS was totally surprised & so was HM.

KS: Sir, who told you that I'm going to Mumbai? I myself don't even know!

ACP: Oh, come to my cabin & I'll explain everything.

Saying this ACP left the lab. KS was running behind him while saying,

"Sir, why do you always punish me like this? I haven't done anything this time"

ACP: Why would I punish you Karishma? You'll get your answers when we reach my cabin.

When they reached there, HM also came curious & worried at the same time & asked, "May I come in?"

ACP: Oh yes! DR. Malik. Btw congratulations for your recent success!

HM was shocked, "How did you get to know Sir? I mean I'm asking because those had not yet launched officially.

ACP: Hum aise hi to ACP nehi bane DR. Malik. Anyways Karishma this is your official letter.

KS took the letter, opened it when HM reassured her by an eye blink. Her head spun around. HM got to know very clearly now, what's on the letter, which she had suspected & warned KS several times that her impulsiveness will ruin everything.

ACP: Remember, 4 months ago you had applied for a training, they had approved your application & now you have to go there for 1 month. You had also applied for transfer to the Mumbai branch....

*KS's heart missed a bit after hearing this. She thought,
"No, this can't be happening with me! How can I stop the transfer process now? I can't live without Haseena! I was infuriated at Hasee, during that time but that doesn't justify what I did! It was a 'CAN'T LIVE WITH OR WITHOUT YOU' situation for me. Hasee had tried to make me understand several times but that time my ego & anger had engulfed me & I've to suffer now. Hasee always warns me not to make decisions while being impulsive & I made the same mistake again & again. We have to suffer now. Hasee would be very disappointed in me in every possible way."
She was lost in her thoughts when ACP continued,
"But I have always found you very efficient so I didn't grant your transfer. & I've faith, you'll gather all the useful information from there"

HM: But Sir, KS is already working for this case, I think sending her to some other place would not be beneficial for this case.

ACP: But Karishma wanted that training. We can't keep her for our benefit.

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