The denial

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Haseena's POV:

I was very tired & tensed as I was not fully prepared for the meeting. I had some preparations left but couldn't say 'NO' to my Karu when she had asked me to go with her for the investigation. I had never thought even in my dreams that 'Samsung' would select my software to be a built in app, under them. I wanted to call Karu to share this news with her, but then thought to surprise her.

While driving towards home, karu's words from lunch time started running in my mind. I thought she had forgotten all our previous harsh encounters or at least she had healed but today I realized she couldn't come out of the scars I had given her.
What hadn't she done just to see a glimpse of me? & To choose to be with me! She had gone beyond all the social & familial bindings to live with me! & I had given her permanent scars! She had told me that, she had forgave me but then why didn't she forget those days which still hurt her. I should be her healer. But what can I do to cherish her? Then a thought came into my mind ! & I went to a nearby store to buy 2 matching coffee mugs with our photos printed on them.

This was the photo

When I came home & opened the door lock, I heard, Karu asking Bob, "Can you kill someone?"

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When I came home & opened the door lock, I heard, Karu asking Bob, "Can you kill someone?"

Why did she ask that? It was not only a stupid but also a dangerous question to ask. Though I always deal with AI, yet I find some of the AI facts unsafe & threatening! That's why I programmed Bob with minimal functions & even didn't make it's hands capable of doing any fine movement, only gave it 3 fingers; & then karishma was asking such a ridiculous question. If it's not today, I would definitely be angry at her. Our eyes contacted & she got scared thinking if I had heard it or not? But I thought not to react angrily today, cause it's a good day.
I got freshened up, sat beside her & was about to tell her about my success but then a call came & she got tensed. So, I asked her, "what happened, Karu?"

Karu: Another murder had occurred & this time also the victim was a doctor.

Me: Was the victim Dr. Priya?

karu: No, she was a gynaecologist! I have to go now.

She got up hurriedly from the sofa saying that, but I gripped her wrist & pulled her towards me, she lost her balance & fell on my lap. Don't know why but my grip was stronger this time, maybe because not knowing, I was mad at her, to some extent regarding Bob; though I didn't want to! My finger marks got imprinted on her hand.

Then I looked into her eyes & said,

"NO, you do not need to go now! You need to be with me now, I've important things to share with you."

She tried to get her hand out of my grip while standing from my lap but my hold was very tight, so she couldn't.

Karu: What's wrong with you Hasee? You had never acted like that! A person has died & you're not letting me go there! From when you had become so cold hearted?

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