First round investigation

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Writer's POV:

KS, SS & CC were on their way towards the hospital.

KS: what do you two think, what might be the motive of this murder?

SS: Madam, I think it might be due to some professional jealousy, if the killer himself/ herself is a surgeon, maybe Dr.K.Das was a strong competitor to them.

CC: Madam, I think the motive is not as straight as it looks. I think it's due to some grudge as the murder was very brutal.
It might happen that once Dr K.Das had operated on anyone & the surgery was failed or the patient died, & that patient's very close someone might be behind this!

KS: hmm. There is much possibility of these things.

During investigations they got to know that Dr. K Das was not only an extraordinarily good surgeon but also was a good human ! He used to see patients for free once a week & used to go for lots of free camp health services including free operations at the camp.

KS at the hospital reception showing her batch asked to meet Dr.K.Das's colleagues & his operative team.

KS: Chita, go to the record room & check for all of his patients list on whim he had operated & find which of the surgeries failed. Santu, You go & ask his colleagues if he had any professional or personal enemies about whom his colleagues know & I'm going to meet his surgical team.

Near the operation theatre, KS went & met the 2 assistant doctors of Dr.K.Das.

KS: I'm KS from CID, I'm very sorry to let you know that Dr.K.Das is no more between. He was brutally murdered, I'm here for investigation.

Actual grief in both of their faces were actually seen.

1st assistant: He was a great teacher, & a very humble human. At a very young age he has become a great surgeon. He was a good medalist.

KS: How old was he?

2nd assistant: Probably 30-32 years.

KS: How old are you? You seem older that's why asking.

2nd assistant: 46 years.

KS: As he's dead, who will do his next scheduled surgeries now?

1st assistant showing the 2nd assistant, "Dr. Chowdhury can do all of those surgeries which Dr. K.Das used to perform. So, he'll do those surgeries.

**KS in head, "So Dr. Chowdhury has some motive for this killing**

KS: Is there any other neuro surgeon in this hospital who does Neuro surgeries without your team?

1sy assistant: Yes, there is a female surgeon, Dr. Priya Das, but she has not many patients, most of the patients from this country & abroad choose Dr. Das for neuro surgery.

**KS in her head, So she's another suspect.**

KS: Who's operation cost is more among the two of them? & How's your operation fee distributed ?

2nd assistant: of course Dr.K.Das's operation charge is much higher. & The distribution system is that, there is a fixed OT charge declared by the hospital for every type of operations which the hospital gets & 25% of the total amount for any surgery used to get to Dr. Das accompanying his fixed monthly salary. & For us, for assistance fee we get Rs. 5000-8000 extra with our fixed monthly salary.

KS: why's Dr.K.Das & Dr.Priyal has same surname?

1st assistant: cause Dr. Priyal is Dr.Das's ex-wife.

KS: what...!! Okay, thanks for your co-operations. & Please don't go out of the city. We may call you for further investigations.

Then KS had conversation with the OT nurses & other stuffs but there was not much important informations she got.

In the mean time, Chita got the list of his failed surgeries both from this hospital & the camp free surgeries. One important info is that the number of failed surgeries here is only 3 in the last 3 years but the number is 9 at the camp & he got to know that he used to teach his assistants at the camp & they used to perform those surgeries at camp, not Dr.Das himself.

Santu got to know, that Dr Priya & Dr.Das's married life was not going well as he cheated on her & they got divorced. They had an ugly fight at the hospital. Dr.Priya is a loud & nosy person on the other hand Dr Das was very calm. Santu didn't get to know with whom he cheated on Dr. Priya
& could meet Dr. Priya; as she took leave & is out of the city now due to her mother's illness.

So they got two prime suspects with motive. With these info they left from the hospital. KS sent Santu &  Chita to Dr. Das's residence & came at the bureau.

When she came there, it was already 2pm. She went to HM's room straight.

KS: May I come in?

HM: Yes, please come. I was waiting for you, now give me the eye drop.

KS: you were supposed to give that eye drop 12pm, why didn't you took it? You could have asked for anyone's help. I'm not reacting due to the surveillance cameras here but this should not be done DR. Malik !

HM: chill, I've googled about it, it is used to prevent your eye from getting dry, 2 hours delay would not do any harm. Besides I took a rest and washed my eyes several times..."
Then she whispered, "I could have taken anybody's help but I was wishing that anybody to be you that's why I waited"

KS: ohk!

KS took her phone & sent a what's app text to her Hasee.

KS texted: why do you prioritize me in everything so much? What can do in return for you?

HM texted: Is that even a question Karishma? Do I have anybody to prioritize other than you? & About that, what You can do? You can do two things in return.
First, never leave me, till I'm alive & second, you can love me as much as beyond my thinking.

HM: So, what did you get from the hospital?

KS: 2 prime suspects & some very important informations. I'll share but after the lunch. Do you wanna have lunch with me at canteen?

HM: ok, let's go!


That's all for today. If you liked my story please like & comment. All of your suggestions will be prioritized. As it's my first story here in wattpad please ignore my mistakes including the 'typing mistakes'

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